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Book: Read RunningScaredBN for Free Online
Authors: Christy Reece
doubts. Trace the number. See if it’ll tell us his location. I’ll send you what little I’ve got.”
    After he sent Deidre the sketchy information Larson had supplied, Noah leaned back in his chair again. A shadow of an idea niggled at the back of his mind. He wasn’t going to jump to conclusions. But one thing he knew for sure. He was definitely looking forward to his one-on-one with the man calling himself William Larson.

Chapter Five

    New York City
    Riley slipped into the small, elegant room in the back of the church. The cathedral was well guarded, and she had wondered if she’d have difficulty getting inside. Thanks to the forethought of the bride and groom, she’d had no problem. Saying LCR had been the golden passkey.
    The paparazzi surrounded the building but would not be allowed inside. Still, the number of reporters and photographers who had been allowed into the church was enough to make anyone nervous, much less a woman in hiding. Being photographed, even accidentally, wasn’t something she could risk. Even dressed in a disguise, she was on edge. She had no idea if anyone was still looking for her. As helpless as she had been, they probably assumed she was dead. Still she would take no chances. The blond wig and thick glasses were an easy, uncomplicated cover-up.
    The bride whirled around, and Riley caught her breath. She had never seen anyone lovelier. Dressed in a gorgeous, fitted white gown of lace and silk, Kacie Dane was the very definition of a beautiful, glowing bride. So glowing that Riley looked around to see if there was some sort of light shining above her head. There wasn’t. It was all Kacie. Had any bride ever looked happier? Had any bride ever deserved happiness more?
    “Hey!” Kacie’s smile was both brilliant and welcoming. “It’s so good to see you. I’m so glad you could come to the wedding.”
    “I hope you don’t mind me coming in here.”
    “Absolutely not. Skylar was here but stepped out for a moment to help Gabe with his bow tie.” She winked at Riley. “I like your disguise. Very retro.”
    That was another reason she liked Kacie Dane. Not one question of why she felt the need to wear a disguise. Kacie accepted people as they were.
    “Your dress is lovely.”
    “Thank you. I was thrilled that Julian Montague agreed to design one for me.” She glanced down at her dress and then grinned. “Brennan’s going to love it.”
    “Yes, but not as much as the person wearing it.”
    “Oh yeah.” Kacie expression softened.
    “So, I just wanted to wish you well and…um…” Riley trailed off, belatedly realizing what a colossal mistake it had been to come here. Bringing up the worst experience of Kacie’s life on what should be the happiest day of her life was not only incredibly insensitive, it was downright cruel. Even someone with her limited people skills should know that.  
    “What’s wrong?”
    “Nothing. I just wanted to say congratulations.” She began to back away, toward the door.
    “Thank you.” Kacie held out her hand to stop her. “But there’s something else isn’t there? What is it?”
    “No. Not really. We can talk another time. Maybe when you get back from your honeymoon.” Seeking to change the subject, she asked, “Where are you two going?”
    “I don’t know. Brennan planned everything. He won’t tell me until our plane lands. He even packed for me.” Kacie laughed and added, “Considering the small suitcase, I have a feeling it’s not a place that requires a lot of clothes.”
    Riley gave a strained smile and put her hand on the doorknob. “I’m sure it’ll be great. Have a wonderful time.”
    Kacie grabbed Riley’s hand and led her to a low settee. “Listen. LCR is my family, which means you’re family. Tell me what’s wrong.”
    “Nothing’s wrong. I just—” Seeing the compassion and concern in Kacie’s eyes, Riley swallowed and said, “I just wanted to tell you how courageous you are for what you

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