
Read Runes for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Runes for Free Online
Authors: Em Petrova
Tags: Erótica
experiencing since he’d abandoned her on the bathroom floor. In his mind’s eye, he saw the inky lines of her immortal tattoo and was caught in a tempest of desire. His heart pulsed in his chest, flipped, and then raced with a deafening thud in his ears. Electricity shot to his fingertips, rendering them numb, and a shiver of heat dropped downward to enshroud his cock. If he didn’t take her to his bed soon, he’d combust.
    Gracie had rolled onto one side and was staring at him, her heat fanning him. “Vision?”
    He struggled to sit up. “Yes. When I see the visions, I feel connected to her. I think I’ll open my eyes and she’ll be in my arms, only to emerge burning for her two dozen times a day, then realize she’s in his arms. Which kills me.”
    The wind howled through the valley, but he heard only the gritty sound of Evangeline’s voice. He was determined to hear it in person by the end of the week.
    He stood, brushed snow from his clothing, and reached for Gracie, on the verge of another vision. “Let’s go home. I’ve got to put this plan into action with all haste.”
    * * * *
    When her name first penetrated her mind, her fingers stilled mid-strum on the guitar. Her song came to a strangled end. Then abruptly, she tossed her instrument to the floor and screamed. She grabbed fistfuls of her hair, yanking until several strands gave way. They caught in the web of her fingers, jet and purple, like the most macabre moss.
    “Leave. Please, please go, Will Cochran. I can’t live with this madness any longer. I want you out of my head. I don’t want anything to do with you.”
    Baby, you’re meant to be with me. I know you feel it.
    Shut up. You’re not real.
    I’m real. Look into the mirror, and you’ll see the truth of our bond in the surreal glow of your skin.
    I don’t want you. Once I did, but now I have Sean.
    Once. . . Will repeated, shielding his eyes. It was almost unbearable, hearing her say this.
    They were bound. Bound. He felt the emotion rippling over her, raising the fine hairs at the nape of her neck. Her fingers twisted together, locking against him.
    Will steeled himself, knowing he must push on. You want me, Evangeline Don’t deny it. We’re linked. And you’re mine. Leave Sean. Let me come to you. Meet me at the airport, and I’ll be on the next plane to Chicago.
    Get the hell out of my head. Her cry broke from her anew, and now when she lifted her hands, she tore at her flesh. Her pale pink nails raked the vulnerable skin of her temples, leaving shallow furrows which instantly filled with blood.
    Evangeline, stop. Don’t hurt yourself. He grabbed his own hair. It did nothing to alleviate the stinging pain of the scrapes she’d created and tears filled his eyes. Stop! Stop! Stop, he called to her. I can help you end this torment if only you’ll come to me.
    The words dropped into her mind, rendering her instantly motionless. She stood amongst the thrift shop finds of Sean Livingston’s apartment. Through her eyes, Will saw the long purple sofa where Sean had stripped her clothes and kissed her laughing lips. To the right stood the computer desk and chair where she’d sat recording her song onto Sean’s laptop. After she'd finished, he’d removed the guitar from her arms, tipped her back and sank his tongue deep into her mouth. Even the mug on the coffee table linked her to Sean. Each morning he’d make her a 'special' brew with his expensive coffee maker.
    She stared through tear-stained eyes at a brick wall. The metal artwork reflected the glaring sunshine from the high windows. A sob broke from her chest.
    How can that help me?
    Will began to shake and a wave of dizziness struck him. Again, he shielded his eyes, though no one was present to witness his demoralization.
    It will lay that ghost to rest and you’ll see for yourself which man you need , he responded.
    And then into her mind, he spoke the address where she could reach him as he tried not to feel

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