Royally Ever After (Royals of Valleria #7)

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Book: Read Royally Ever After (Royals of Valleria #7) for Free Online
Authors: Marianne Knightly
I’ll be marrying. Yet, I understand the politics and everything behind our wedding. You do whatever feels right. I won’t fight you on it.”
    A knot of tension relaxed within him. There were still several knots remaining, but that one, at least, was gone. He took a deep breath and removed her other shoe.
    “I’ve been making contingency plans, just in case. I’ve been running poor Mara ragged.”
    Her toes flexed while his expert hands massaged her. “Tavin likely feels the same, as well as Corrado. I don’t think anyone will get much sleep until everything’s settled.”
    “Nate and Marcello can also help you if you need it.”
    His hands stilled, then began massaging again. “Do you think I need help?”
    “No, but I think you’d be a fool if you didn’t ask for it all the same.”
    “You need them and my family more.”
    “How do you figure that?”
    “We have a horde of family members descending on the palace tomorrow. I can’t take care of them, and complete my duties.”
    “Like I mentioned in the hospital, I can help. Let me take care of your family.” When he was quiet just a moment too long, she asked, “Unless, is there some reason I can’t help you with your family?”
    “Darling, it’s not that.”
    She sagged in her chair, her shoulders curled inward, and her fingers fiddled with her engagement ring. “They don’t approve of me, do they?”
    He kissed the top of her foot, then trailed his lips over her calf and knee. He shifted the skirt of her dress up and kissed along her thigh. He situated his hips between her legs, and pulled her towards him. “I approve of you.”
    “I know.”
    “So does my father, and mother, and all my siblings.”
    “I know.”
    “And so does Valleria.”
    She caressed his cheek and his hands paused. “Guess that means I’m not going anywhere, am I?”
    “Damn right it doesn’t.”
    “Then let me take care of them. They’ve got to get used to me, and they’ll need to accept me. If they see me making an effort, they’re bound to come around.”
    “Some of them won’t. You’ll need to accept that.”
    “Do you love me?”
    “Of course I do.”
    “I can face anything as long you do.”
    God, he loved her. “I still don’t want you facing them alone. Get some of the family to pitch in and help.”
    She loosened his tie. “I will. Don’t worry about this anymore. I don’t want to add to your stress.” She pressed a kiss to his neck which sent tingles cascading over his skin. “Do you need anything? You’re taking care of me right now, when I should be taking care of you.”
    “Why is it either/or? Why can’t we both take care of each other?”
    “You need me right now, Alex.”
    “I’ll always need you, Rebecca.”
    Her breath hitched, and he pulled them both to the floor, positioning her over his body. She placed her hands on the floor beside his head and leaned down; her hair fell in a curtain around them, sheltering them.
    His hands slid down her back. “I especially need you tonight, darling.”
    “I’m here.”
    “Rebecca.” He kissed her, devouring her as he’d wanted to do earlier that day. “Rebecca.” He shifted them until they were side-by-side, and he buried his head in her neck.
    Her slim hands slid through his hair, something which normally aroused yet now reassured him. “Did you eat anything?” she asked, and he shook his head. “Are you hungry?”
    “Only for you.” He pressed a kiss to her shoulder.
    “Then why don’t we take a shower together and then try to get some sleep? We’ve only got a few hours before our day starts again.”
    Alex sighed. “Am I being selfish?”
    Her hand paused in his hair. “What do you mean?”
    His nose nuzzled behind her ear before he pulled back to meet her eyes. “Is it wrong I want to bury myself inside you, to lose myself and forget about everything else?”
    “Oh, Alex, of course not. You’ve had a trying day – to say the least – and you need some comfort. I

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