Rise of the Dunamy

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Book: Read Rise of the Dunamy for Free Online
Authors: James R. Landrum
was that they were using to remove the muscle. The jagged tears in the skin seemed to be most consistent with teeth marks, but it would be impossible to do what they were doing without leaving some level of trace evidence behind.
    Once more, no eye-witnesses came forward during a sweep of the area, and the evidence at the crime scene was minimal. The evidence they were able to locate only appeared to further link the victims to the stabbing of the businessman. After spending an hour knocking on doors, Sofia and Bishop decided to return to the precinct to re-examine their case files.

    A s she began scanning the first page of the report, Sofia cradled her pen between her forefinger and middle finger and began wobbling it back and forth. The rhythmic wobble of the pen helped her slip deeply into her own thoughts.
    They had first begun the case with the attack on the possible member of the Aryans. Due to the type and extent of the damage to the corpse, they couldn’t be sure an animal hadn’t been involved. At that time they had begun investigating it as a possible animal attack. The abuse that the body had endured along with the numerous apparent bite marks that covered the body would have really only allowed for one type of animal to have attacked them, and that animal was a bear. Being that there were no signs of bear tracks or any other forensic evidence indicating the presence of a bear, coupled with the fact that it was highly unlikely that there was a bear in the downtown area, they quickly abandoned that possibility. After their brief consideration of the bear attack they considered the idea that it may have been an accidental death, not a homicide. They were out surveying the scene to see if the victim could have fallen from a rooftop and then been picked apart by a passing pack of animals when they received word from Lucian. He had determined the cause of death which instantly changed their opinion of the case.
    The man had been killed by blunt force trauma to his neck. Although the cause of death and location of the strike were evident, after much deliberation and forensic examining they had been unable to determine the murder weapon. Lucian had informed them that he believed, based on the bruising; the man had been punched in the neck. Bishop and Sofia both agreed it seemed a bit far-fetched to believe that someone was capable of doing such a thing with their hands and continued to search for a more plausible weapon.
    The next attack happened a few days later, across town from the first. The attacks were very similar in their surroundings and severity, and the wounds were similar. At this point, Sofia and Bishop revisited the earlier case and began to investigate the two attacks as though they were related. Their suspicions were confirmed when a third attack occurred only two days later.
    As they inspected things further several patterns developed that linked all three crimes, but none of the patterns would lead them any closer to the killers. Sofia knew that since they had developed a pattern, it wouldn’t be long before the FBI got involved. Any time the potential of a serial killer arose, the FBI sent in it’s own team to handle the situation. The idea of federal agents coming in to take over her case was maddening and had driven her to further immerse herself.
    Although the causes of death each case had been a broken neck, Lucian had commented they would all have died from the amount of internal bleeding they were experiencing anyway. The beatings each of the victims received prior to the broken neck was so severe it almost seemed like the final strike was meant to be merciful. All of the victims had been brutally beaten and once again Lucian’s findings were that the bruising patterns indicated no weapons were used. The only exception being the victim in the final attack who they believed was killed by the other victims that had also been found dead at the scene, and he had clearly died from the stab

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