Right Arm of the Saint

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Book: Read Right Arm of the Saint for Free Online
Authors: Gakuto Mikumo
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Fantasy
and charged his frozen, unmoving form. And, just as the silver spear was about to impale the man’s heart—
    “Whoa there!”
    The spear’s tip suddenly veered up, changing course.
    The girl’s eyes, brimming with cold rage, widened in surprise.
    It was Kojou who stood there.
    Kojou leaped in from parts unseen, deflecting the spear just in the nick of time, halting the girl’s attack. He hadn’t wanted to get involved in a fight between a vampire and an Attack Mage, but he couldn’t just stand back as a life was taken. Surely the vampire didn’t want to die by impaling just because he’d made an unsuccessful pass at a junior high schooler.
    “Kojou Akatsuki?! Stopping Snowdrift Wolf with your bare hand…!”
    The Attack Mage girl leaped back with a shocked expression. As she put some distance between them, wary of the suddenly appearing Kojou, she landed on the roof of a station wagon parked nearby.
    “Hey, you. Grab your pal and get out of here,” Kojou yelled in an agitated tone to the man, still rooted in place behind his back. “And learn your lesson already. Don’t pick up junior high schoolers. And don’t use Beast Vassals irresponsibly, either!”
    “Y…yeah… S-sorry… I owe you one!”
    The man nodded, his face pale, then carried off his pal’s unconscious body. The girl glared at their backs with hostile eyes. Kojou made an exasperated sigh.
    “You, too… I don’t know what you meant to do, but it’s too much. Just let it go.”
    When she heard the seemingly tired Kojou’s words, the girl’s shoulders shook with surprise. Alertly keeping her spear’s guard up, she gave Kojou a sullen glare. She spoke with a scolding tone.
    “Why did you interfere?”
    Kojou’s expression became even more languid.
    “‘Interfere,’ huh? I think it’s normal to stop a fight that’s happening right in front of you. Why do you know my name, anyway?”
    “…To turn demon in a public place, and furthermore, use a Beast Vassal in an urban area, are flagrant violations of the Holy Ground Treaty. Surely no one would question it even if they were killed.”
    “Since you’re gonna put it like that, weren’t you the one who struck first?”
    “That’s not—”
    The girl went silent midway as if calmly reflecting on the matter. She seemed to be recalling how the dispute with the men had began.
thought Kojou, giving the girl a strong stare.
    “I don’t know who you are, but waving that thing around and trying to kill people over having your panties seen a little is a bit much. Just because demons are concerned…”
    As he spoke to that point, Kojou realized he’d slipped up. The girl poised with the silver spear glared at Kojou with a disgusted look.
see them, by any chance?”
    “Ah, er, that’s…”
    Kojou’s lips fumbled for an excuse. Surely she thought he was a guy who’d not only abandoned a girl getting hit on, he’d arbitrarily saved demons running wild in an urban area. And as that was in fact the case, all he could do was try to explain it away.
    “Hey, now, it’s not anything to get that worked up over. It’s not like I’m interested in a junior high schooler’s underwear, and they were kinda cute and all, so it’s not like having them seen should get you all bent out of shape. I th…”
    As she gazed at Kojou making excuse after excuse, the girl made a deep sigh. However, the scornful look she made toward Kojou remained. And that instant, as if he’d chosen it that way, the strong wind characteristic of isolated islands blew across the seaside shopping mall.
    As she stood on top of the station wagon’s roof, the girl’s skirt casually soared upward, leaving her defenseless.
    Kojou’s posture stopped moving then and there. His gaze was unconsciously sucked in, leaving him unable to move.
    An oppressive silence fell.
    “Why are you looking at them again?”
    The girl asked, keeping her spear poised with both hands.
    Her voice

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