Revisited (Redemption Series)

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Book: Read Revisited (Redemption Series) for Free Online
Authors: Lindsey Gray
“Peter, help us.”
    “What has been done here tonight was never meant to happen, yet I cannot stop it,” Peter said. “Come, let’s get him somewhere comfortable until it is time.”
    Lily helped Peter gather Martin in his arms before they turned back to the tent. The white silk was stained with blood. It dripped in shocking patterns as her vampire family lay about, destroyed and forever broken.
    Debir and Filipp appeared to be in shock from the carnage. Out of ninety-eight vampires in attendance, only four remained. Debir rushed and took Lily in his arms, while Filipp followed. The three of them embraced while the blood of their family soaked the ground beneath them.

    “Some of the vampires didn’t last long enough for the serum to take effect as the anger between those who respected Ambrosia and those who supported Martin was immediate and deadly, causing a bloodbath to ensue. Martin passed a few days later, leaving Lily, Filipp, and Debir on their own. None of them wanted to return to their human lives through the formula that caused the death of their family. As a result, Manchester developed a microchip which was implanted in all three of them and whose main purpose has been called into play only once in forty years.” Nathaniel came to the end of the story Lily had shared with him so many years ago.
    “Your point being?” Mr. Ore asked as if he was bored.
    “If we find Liam before he’s turned another, we can give him Martin’s cure to return him to his human state, since murder is not one of our options.”
    Mr. Ore laughed as the rest of the room sat in bone-chilled silence. “How do you suppose we accomplish that? Martin Leatherby’s formula was complete rubbish.”
    “But you see, Mr. Ore, there is one more facet of the story I have left untold.” 
    Mr. Ore cocked his eyebrow at Nathaniel.
    “The formula in the blood that night was not Martin Leatherby’s. I believe it was a highly concentrated version made by Anton Cadreanu.”

For a new vampire, Liam wasn’t doing the typical things a virile vampire would do. He hadn’t drained the blood from any of the humans he came into contact with. He hadn’t had any strong sexual or violent urges to act upon. He hadn’t mourned for his lost human life. He was, in fact, still in a luxury hotel suite in Bucharest, Romania. He began to wonder if he was vampire enough to take the next step.
        Shortly after his arrival, Debir and Filipp had gotten the call from The Manchester Group to stay put. The entire group was on high alert since Lily’s death, or at least that was what the elder vampires were told.
    Liam knew different. Lily was his sire and in those moments she made him, an unbreakable bond was formed. He still felt it down to the marrow in his bones. Lily was alive in one form or another.
    As for the next step, Filipp’s plan was for the three of them to strategically sire new vampires, whose strength would bring The Manchester Group down. Gideon’s plan coincided with their own, though he was occupied now and wouldn’t be of any help to them. Through fate and a hell of a lot of luck, Ian Holt was in the wrong place at the exact right time. Gideon needed a new vessel to cast a spell over Becca and receive her love and devotion. Ian was presented as if on a silver platter; Gideon turned him into his vessel and the benefits to him would be limitless.
    Liam hadn’t heard back from Gideon and assumed all was working according to the demon’s plan. So, he waited while he drank the burgundy liquid of life to keep him going. Filipp had alluded to the humans he had handpicked for the next generation of vampires ̶  ̶ one who was to arrive at any moment. Liam should have been excited at the prospect of draining his first victim as he formed the unbreakable bond, yet, he realized it might very well put him in harm’s way. Once more vampires were created, his usefulness would fade. His one saving grace was the circle of black flames adorning

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