him, couldn’t work out how to find his own cock with a detailed map and a police sniffer dog. So I have a couple of men who do the actual money side of it all and Declan does what he’s good at – making sure that everything runs smoothly. Now, I am telling you all this because I trust you. I run the family and Declan takes his lead from me. I work on the more dangerous enterprises, behind the scenes, so to speak.’
Michael watched Patrick warily as he walked to the large old-fashioned filing cabinet by the back wall. Opening up the top drawer, he took out a bottle of Johnnie Walker whisky. He came back to the desk and, settling himself into his large leather chair, he poured out two generous measures of the whisky into two chipped tea cups, before passing one to Michael. Then, taking a deep drink, he carried on talking as if there had been no interruption at all. ‘I like you, Michael. I can see a great future for you. You’re very young but, in your case, I see that as a good thing. I want to take you under my wing, and teach you the business that eventually you will be responsible for. I will guarantee you a fucking serious wedge, but that wedge is because if it should all fall out of bed, for whatever reason, you will be the one looking at a big lump. Do you understand that, Michael? If it all goes pear-shaped then you will be expected to take the fall. That is why you get the big bucks, son.’
Michael sipped at his whisky before answering. The chemical burn as it crept slowly through his body was almost welcome. He was finally understanding exactly what was being asked of him. Patrick was not even attempting to sugar-coat it. He was being brutally honest, and that meant a lot to Michael. He spoke, and sealed his fate.
‘I understand what you’re saying and, if you still want me, I’m in.’
Patrick grinned; it was what he had expected. He had chosen well as usual. If the boy had backed out, he would not have held it against him, but the people he recruited had to know the score from the off. He liked to be clear exactly what they were getting into, and exactly what he expected from them. Once they came onboard, he owned them.
‘You’re a good lad, Michael. I don’t normally bring in youngsters like you, but I need someone who can understand this new world that’s emerging. I hear great things about you, and I know personally that you can keep your trap shut. If you listen to me and use your loaf, the chance of getting any kind of capture is very remote. But the chance is there, as it is with any criminal enterprise. You need to understand that.’
Michael shrugged. ‘I know the score. I appreciate that you have been so honest with me, but I knew from an early age that getting my collar felt was an occupational hazard. It goes with the territory. I am not a fool, Patrick. I know the downside to this business and, if for whatever reason I do get banged up, I know I will get my head round it, and do my time. As you know yourself, that’s all you can do.’
If Patrick Costello had liked Michael before, now he found that he had a sneaking admiration for him as well. He had it all, this youngster – good looks and a seriously sensible attitude. Now he needed to make sure that Michael was tied to him for ever. He had to make him a party to something that would not only guarantee the boy’s allegiance, but would also bind them together, give them a bond of sorts.
‘Well then, Michael Flynn. Welcome aboard.’
Chapter Two
Josephine Callahan was dressed to impress; from her long, thick blond hair, styled in the latest fashion, to her high-heeled stiletto shoes, she looked every inch the part of the girlfriend of a man like Michael Flynn. He expected her to look good when he took her out, and she understood why. He was making a name for himself, and he needed a girlfriend who was his equal. She had been seeing him since she was fourteen years old. He had been nineteen then, but the age difference had