Revenge Sex
    She shifted her weight to the opposite heel.
Her jaw tightened almost imperceptibly. He didn’t admire it about
himself, but he felt a note of triumph in calling her bluff. She
hadn’t been expecting him to agree. Perhaps she’d thought he’d turn
it around and tell her she needed to go out on a date and do it
right this time.
    “You’ve grown cocky and complacent,” he said,
“thinking you can do anything.” He let that sink in. “You need to
be taught a lesson.”
    She swallowed, backed up. “And then you’ll
forgive me?”
    There was nothing to forgive. She was the
woman he’d invited to live in his home. She hadn’t changed. He
simply didn’t like the lie.
    Fuck it all, he didn’t like the image of
Bradley doing her on the boss’s desk either. Bradley Palmer was the
taint. A part of him couldn’t stop feeling she’d chosen the guy for
that very reason.
    “After you’ve been punished for all your
lies, then yes, you’ll be forgiven.” Perhaps this was what they
needed: a fresh start with new rules, and more of them.
    “When will you do it?” she asked, suddenly
avoiding his gaze as she sat once again at the table.
    “Tomorrow. I’ll go to the gym.” Saturday
morning, the place would be packed. “I’m sure I’ll find a suitable
candidate there.” The gym was a meat market, but he had no
intention of going on a date or fucking another woman. He wanted
only the illusion of it. He hadn’t taken a firm enough hand with
Ruby. She needed a lot more controlling. “And in future, I will
attend your dates with you.”
    Her head shot up. “What do you mean?
    He ate, forced a pleasant tone into his
voice. “We’ll go to a hotel bar, find a suitable candidate.” He
smiled, baring his teeth. “Then you’ll call me up to the room when
you’re done. I’ll have you the moment he’s gone.”
    Her breath came faster. Yes, new rules would
be very good for them. He should have thought that before.
    Yet later that night, even after the blow job
Ruby insisted on giving him, he couldn’t sleep.
    He couldn’t get Jessica Murphy’s face out of
his mind or her scent out of his head. He couldn’t stop his body’s
reaction to his thoughts. Even after Ruby’s blow job.
    Before, Jessica had been an attractive woman:
now she was a sexual fantasy.
    Something had definitely happened in his
office. He feared it wasn’t good for any of them.

Chapter Five
    That man knew how to rock her world. Why
hadn’t she thought of it before? Have Clay help her pick out a man.
Let him wait down in the bar while she went to a room. When she was
done, she’d let him lick her, clean her up, then fuck her right
into heaven. It was brilliant.
    Saturday morning, Ruby sent Clay off to the
gym with a condom in his pocket from her very own special stash she
used for her dates. He wasn’t going to do a darn thing. He just
wanted to punish her by allowing her to think he would.
    Things had been getting stale, same old, same
old. That’s why she’d noticed Bradley. He’d trailed in her wake
like a puppy sniffing at her. He was just what the doctor ordered
to spice things up, and it had worked even better than she’d
imagined. What she hadn’ t realized was that
Clay himself needed to be spiced up, too, and her flouting of his
rules had given him an excuse to become domineering with her,
something he obviously needed at this stage in their relationship.
Her only mistake had been letting Jessica Murphy catch her.
    Ruby smiled to herself in the mirror as she
applied her makeup. What she needed now was something truly
extraordinary to make Clay go completely out of his mind. His
workout would take at least two hours, especially when he was
teaching her a lesson, letting her imagine he was checking out all
the gym bunnies. Gosh, he might even be gone three hours, just to
push her buttons. It was more than enough time to execute her
    She strolled into the bedroom wearing only a
pretty white lace

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