justice made him need to return the corpse of Brian Duncan, so the dark murderer’s victims and their loved ones could find peace and closure.
He thought by throwing himself into the everyday life of Piper’s own ancestors, and many of them did so remind him of her, that he could find his own peace.
As soon as the bloody celebration in his honor was over, he fully meant to hie away home and relieve his idiot brother of the running of the place, and hopefully they would have enough food and resources put away to get them through the winter. He did not trust his wayward fool of a younger brother one whit, and even with fast horses taking and bringing constant correspondence, he was pretty sure he’d return to a terrible mess that only he would be able to clean up.
Bloody clan Glen and their legions of cousins having to come in from all directions for a celebration he wanted no part of. It didn’t please him to be honored for killing a man, no matter how the man may have deserved it. He’d be best pleased to forget about it and go home and wallow in his regret over losing Piper.
But, it was in his clan’s best interest to be on the good side of the Glens again. They’d been barely civil for the past several years, and a strained peace was no peace at all.
He had a good mind to marry off his simpleton brother to one of these lot, and his last missive had urged Quinn to come down for the celebration.
After he decided he didn’t have the heart to perform any of the terrible rituals in the first spell book, he’d barely glanced through the others, which were personal diaries of Daria and didn’t make the least amount of sense.
The only thing that kept jumping out at him repeatedly from all the frightening babble was the name of a woman, Agnes Clairmont. He casually asked one of the kitchen staff if they’d heard of her. She was an herb woman who lived at the outskirts of the estate, across the river.
After several days of arguing with himself and going mad waiting for all the Glens to finally arrive, he saddled up a horse and galloped off to find her, the head of Brian Duncan sending him a stark warning as it rested, rotting and askew, on its pike atop the wall surrounding the castle.
“Wait, what?” Piper asked, shaking out of her rapt attention to Lachlan’s story. She exchanged a glance with Mellie.
“Oh, aye,” Lachlan said, standing up and gingerly stretching his side and tugging at his jeans. “The land used to be surrounded by a stone wall.”
“There’s still a bit of it here and there in the forest,” Mellie said, nodding sagely.
“I meant the head!” Piper said. “Did they really put Brian’s head on a pike?”
“Yer people are a vengeful lot, my darling, I’m sorry to have to tell ye. Theatrical as well, ye’d say.”
Lachlan shrugged and sat back down, patting Piper’s hand as she shuddered and made a face.
“I made my way past Brian’s warning head, and set out to find this herb woman that Daria had an acquaintance with,” Lachlan continued. “She was scared to death o’ me when I first rode up, and I admit I may no’ have been overly friendly at first. The poor woman had no clue what the witch really was. She was as fooled as any of her kin of her true nature.”
Lachlan learned, after drinking many cups of foul tasting herb tea, that Agnes had first traveled back in time quite by accident, while mixing up a concoction that she hoped would help her grandmother regain her senses. It was as if her dear granny was trapped in her own mind, living in the past, and sometimes didn’t even recognize her. It fairly broke Agnes’ heart.
She’d been outside, singing a silly song she’d made up and grinding dried herbs to powder when she’d felt suddenly as if she were no longer in control of her own mind. She heard words coming out of her mouth that she couldn’t understand, and saw things clearly that she knew shouldn’t be there. The pestle grew hot in her hand and she