
Read Retribution for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Retribution for Free Online
Authors: Gemma James
stopped . . . everything? God, I was pathetic. I wanted him so badly, I ached.
    My moment of escape passed, and he stepped away. The sound of him removing his belt made me cringe, and the whoosh of that familiar strip of leather reached my ears an instant before it hit my ass. I bit down on the gag to keep silent, though the pain wasn’t bad. Yet. It’d get worse; it always did. I jerked each time he struck my tender bottom and counted the lashes in my head. Fourteen . . . fifteen . . . sixteen . . . seventeen . . .
    My eyes flooded with unshed tears at twenty, and by twenty-five the first drop fell. I felt dirty and worthless—much worse then ever before, because I’d allowed this to happen this time. He’d given me a choice, and I was still restrained, trapped by my body’s need for him, helpless and at the mercy of his belt.
    Why hadn’t I stopped this? This was insane.
    A whimper escaped my throat, and he stopped. “Naughty girl.”
    I jumped when he pulled the thong aside and inserted a small vibrator between my damp folds.
    “Close your legs to hold it there. If you drop it, you won’t be allowed to orgasm tonight. And you won’t have my permission until I’m deep inside your ass.” He swatted my bottom to make his point. “Not a sound, Kayla.”
    He was the devil.
    I scratched at the window as he continued the lashes. In the back of my mind I realized he wasn’t putting all his strength behind them. I knew how unbearable a real whipping was at his hands, and this wasn’t it. But it stung like hell, and I held onto the sensation to keep from climaxing.
    I wanted him. Inside me, in my mouth. I didn’t care—I just wanted him, and fooling myself otherwise was a waste of time.
    “Your ass is such a sexy shade of red.”
    Unforgiving leather delivered punishment for several more minutes, and just when he was about to stop, I’d moan or whimper and it’d start all over again. The pain was harder to handle, more intense, as were the vibrations going through my body. Tears and sweat drenched my face, and I stood straight as a pillar, clenching my thighs to keep the vibrator in place. Orgasm teased from the outskirts, there . . . but just out of reach.
    The pain overshadowed the pleasure.
    I bit hard on the gag as the last few minutes drove me to my limits. Finally, he dropped the belt. “Keep that vibrator where it belongs.” He bent me over and pushed into my ass, inch by inch, and I didn’t even consider protesting.
    A loud boom sounded outside, followed by another, and another . . . he slid in further, removed the blindfold and gag, and a guttural scream tore from my throat. I arched my spine as an orgasm washed over me—swift in the onslaught, but deliciously long in duration. The Las Vegas strip exploded in a dizzying whirl of color, and I knew the fireworks outside couldn’t begin to compete with the ones between Gage and me.

    The man liked to gamble. A lot. He’d been at it for most of the day, and if I’d harbored any guilt about the amount of money he’d spent on Eve’s care, I didn’t now. I was disgusted at how easily he threw away his money, but I couldn’t help but watch in morbid fascination.
    So this was how the other half lived. I still couldn’t wrap my mind around it.
    The guy next to us arranged the dice the way he wanted them. His blond hair brushed his collar, and every time he leaned forward to roll, his shirt sleeve grazed my arm. He shot a grin at me before tossing the dice toward the opposite end of the craps table. The large crowd pressed in on all sides, and everyone erupted in cheers.
    “Easy six!” One of the gaming attendants said.
    Gage just won some of this money back. He leaned against my back and reached in to collect. We’d been standing in this position for the past hour; him behind me, his arms caging me in and his cock nudging my ass. He’d been rock-hard the whole time, and not even the man next to us, with his bold and inviting

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