Retief at Large

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Book: Read Retief at Large for Free Online
Authors: Keith Laumer
Tags: Fiction, General, Science-Fiction
matter of a load of illegally obtained ore involved,
as well."
Mr. Leatherwell. I'll see to it myself."
need for that. The papers are all drawn up. Our legal department will vouch for
their correctness. Just sign here." Leatherwell spread out the paper and
handed Magnan a pen.
it be a good idea to read that over first?" Retief said.
frowned impatiently. "You'll have adequate time to familiarize yourself
with the details later, Retief," Magnan snapped, taking the pen. "No
need to waste Mr. Leatherwell's valuable time." He scratched a signature
on the paper.
rose, gathered up his papers from Magnan's desk, dumped them into the
briefcase. "Riffraff, of course. Their kind has no business in the
rose, crossed to the desk, and held out a hand. "I believe you gathered in
an official document along with your own, Mr. Leatherwell. By error, of
that?" Leatherwell bridled. Retief smiled, waiting. Magnan opened his
was under your papers, Mr. Leatherwell," Retief said. "It's the thick
one, with the rubber bands."
dug in his briefcase, produced the document. "Well, fancy finding this
here," he growled. He shoved the papers into Retief's hand.
a very observant young fellow." He closed the briefcase with a snap.
"I trust you'll have a bright future with the CDT."
Retief," Magnan said reprovingly. "There was no need to trouble Mr.
directed a sharp look at Retief and a bland one at Magnan. "I trust you'll
communicate the proposal to the interested parties. Inasmuch as time is of the
essence to the GM position, our offer can only be held open until 0900
Greenwich, tomorrow. I'll call again at that time to finalize matters. I trust
there'll be no impediment to a satisfactory settlement at that time. I should
dislike to embark on lengthy litigation."
hurried around his desk to open the door. He turned back to fix Retief with an
exasperated frown.
crass display of boorishness, Retief," he snapped. "You've
embarrassed a most influential member of the business community—and for nothing
more than a few miserable forms."
forms represent somebody's stake in what might be a valuable property."
mere paper until they've been processed!"
responsibility is to the Public interest—not to a fly-by-night group of
found it first."
A worthless rock. After Mr. Leatherwell's munificent gesture—"
rush his check through before he thinks it over and changes his mind."
heavens!" Magnan clutched the check, buzzed for Miss Gumble. She swept in,
took Magnan's instructions and left. Retief waited while Magnan glanced over
the injunction, then nodded.
in order. A person called Sam Mancziewicz appears to be the principal. The
address given is the Jolly Barge Hotel; that would be that converted derelict
ship in orbit 6942,1 assume?"
nodded. "That's what they call it."
for the ore-carrier, I'd best impound it, pending the settlement of the
matter." Magnan drew a form from a drawer, filled in blanks, shoved the
paper across the desk. He turned and consulted a wall chart. "The hotel is
nearby at the moment, as it happens. Take the Consulate

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