Good Housekeeping , that was for darned sure.
She was about toss it aside when a quiz caught her eye: Does Your Relationship with Your Mate Have Sizzle or Fizzle?
Sara decided to take it. It was silly, but what else did she have to do?
She answered all twenty questions honestly, then tallied up her answers and turned to the results page to check her score.
If you answered mostly B’s and C’s, she read, your sizzle has definitely fizzled. In fact, if you were a sparkler you’d now be nothing more than a charred stick ready to crumble. But fear not! You can get your groove back! The question is, do you want to—or are you ready to move on?
Move on ?
The thought was shocking . . .
Not, however, so shocking that Sara was ready to swap the magazine for one of her issues of Good Housekeeping that were stacked neatly on the end table.
She narrowed her eyes in determination and flipped back to the sidebar that had ten ways to get the spark back . . .
Oh my.
By the time she got to number five, Sara was blushing. She doubted she’d ever dare use any of the creative ways to jump-start her man . . . or would she?
Maybe not now . . . but once upon a time . . .
Her husband had been her high school sweetheart. Brash and rough around the edges, John Hart had made Sara’s pulse pound from the moment she first spotted him, roaring into the high school parking lot in his souped-up Firebird.
He was the new kid in town, the bad boy with a black leather jacket and an attitude that made all the girls sigh and the boys move out of the way.
The first time Sara saw him close-up, in the hallway at school, he’d given her such a probing once-over that she immediately felt silly in her broom-stick skirt and peasant blouse. She had turned her back on him quickly, but remembered feeling his gaze on her as she walked away.
The next time they connected, though, it was for good. John was failing English and needed the credit to graduate; the teacher asked Sara, her prize pupil, to tutor him. It didn’t take her long to discover that beneath John’s surly attitude was a sharp brain.
Abandoned by his mother and raised by his mad-at-the-world father, John was a classic chip-on-his-shoulder underachiever. They’d been such opposites, she and John—Sara’s free-spirited love of poetry, music, and literature in sharp contrast with John’s hard-edged lifestyle.
And yet they fell madly in love.
When his trouble-making ways landed him in hot water one too many times, John’s father finally kicked him out of the house. Out of nowhere, in a last-ditch effort to change his life and make something of himself—mostly for Sara’s sake—he’d signed up for the air force. To everyone’s surprise—particularly his own—he’d embraced the military lifestyle. It instilled discipline, gave him direction and a sense of pride in himself and his country. He shed his bad-boy ways and a year later, they were married.
It had been idyllic at first. But as John climbed the ranks in the air force, he became more regimented, squashing his wife’s free spirit little by little. Wanting to be the perfect wife, she had allowed it to happen without even realizing it.
After twenty-five years of marriage, Sara knew Colonel John Hart like a book.
And maybe, she decided, it was about high time they started a brand-new chapter.
C rouched on the fire escape, hearing heavy footsteps coming around from the alley, Destiny frantically waved at Mike, who angled his furry head at her in doggie confusion from the ground below.
Terrific. Of all the moments for an impromptu visit from her landlord, probably here looking for this month’s late rent . . .
Kenny Tabor didn’t allow animals in the building, but the furry freeloader who had scratched Destiny’s back door on a cold, rainy evening had appeared as forlorn as she’d felt that particular night. Destiny couldn’t resist letting him in for just one night.
That was several months ago, and
Bethany-Kris, London Miller