a picnic and it’s probably not all that romantic to be a part of the Royal Family after all.”
As usual, she talked over him. “I mean, Diana probably thought she’d hit the jackpot. She was young, much younger than I am now, and she grew up in England. Grew up thinking the Royal Family was all that and a bag of chips…American chips, not chips like french fries as they call them here. Then she married into it and we all know now that it wasn’t a walk in the park for her. I just—” She broke off and looked over at Ghost and shrugged, almost embarrassed at how she’d been carrying on. She finished quickly, “Yeah, it’s cool to be here to see the balcony.”
“You want me to take your picture?”
“Really? Yes, please.” Rayne posed on the sidewalk with a goofy grin on her face and pointed up toward the small balcony on the front of Buckingham Palace. Ghost handed back her phone, and Rayne pulled him over to her. “Come on, a selfie this time!”
Ghost knew he shouldn’t. Knew he should tell her he had the type of job where he couldn’t risk pictures of him showing up on the Internet. He could simply ask her not to post it anywhere, but even if she agreed now, she could forget, or get pissed, and it could somehow show up anyway. It just wasn’t smart to be in pictures with hook-ups. Period. They’d been warned by the colonel, and everyone on the teams knew to avoid having their picture taken at all costs. But Rayne knew him as John Benbrook, not Keane Bryson, and after tonight, he’d never see her again. Besides that, he didn’t think she was the type of woman to plaster her every movement on social media. She’d flat out said she’d never had a one-night stand before, so he thought it was pretty safe to pose for one picture with her.
Ghost put his arm around Rayne and pulled her close. She laughed and held out her hand with her phone.
“Smile!” she ordered. Rayne took the picture and turned the phone to check it out. She turned to him with a frown. “You didn’t smile,” she complained. “Come on, take another, and smile this time, dammit.” Her words were stern, but the tone was teasing.
For reasons Ghost didn’t understand—but he didn’t stop to analyze his actions—he pulled out his own phone. “On mine this time.”
Rayne smiled up at him, obviously pleased he also wanted a picture of them together.
“Okay. But be sure to get the balcony in it. Don’t cut off our heads. Oh, and if you can get the—”
“Hush, woman, I got this,” Ghost told her in a mock growl. “I’m a professional.”
Rayne giggled and put both her arms around his waist and leaned in. “A professional? Professional what, is the question.” She looked up at him again, smiling, joy leaking out of every pore in her body. “Okay, but don’t blame me if you don’t get the good stuff in frame.”
Ghost looked down at the woman in his arms. He had one arm around her shoulders and the other was outstretched with his phone in his hand, ready to snap the picture. “I’ve got the good stuff in it, don’t worry.”
Rayne smiled and turned her head to look at his phone.
“Okay, on the count of three,” she bossed. “One…two…three!”
Ghost snapped the picture and put the phone back in his pocket before Rayne could snatch it out of his grasp to look at the photo he’d just taken.
“Ghost! I need to look at it and approve it!”
“Approve it?”
“Yeah, you know, make sure it’s good enough to keep. I might look like a dork!”
“You don’t look like a dork,” Ghost told her with complete honesty.
“Whatever. You didn’t even look at it and besides, guys’ opinions can’t be trusted.”
“Yup. You don’t care about things like hair and makeup or if the picture is blurry.”
“Your hair looks fine, you aren’t wearing much makeup, and the picture wasn’t blurry.”
“How do you know? You didn’t even look at it! What if my eyes were