Renewal 6 - Cold

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Book: Read Renewal 6 - Cold for Free Online
Authors: Jf Perkins
Tags: Science-Fiction
    “Ok, he’s upstairs. It’s a full house up there.”
    Dusty took the stairs two at a time. He clomped across the upstairs landing, walked into Bill’s room, and found that he could barely fit. Kirk was there, along with John Hall, Terry, and two men he didn’t recognize.
    Bill said, “Hey, Dusty. I expected you to show up. I’d like you to meet Lieutenant Jackson of the State Police and his second in command, Sergeant Dillon.”
    “Hey, fellows,” Dusty said, shaking hands with the men, “I’m Dusty Baer. Pleasure to meet you. What’s going on?”
    “Well, I imagine you’re missing some key bits of the story, but the short version is that they came to warn us that trouble is brewing, and to help us out.” Bill said.
    “That’s what I came to do. I just ran into about eighty boys from Columbia, and they were looking to find the Jenkins.”
    “Yeah. The Attorney General overheard a conversation between the Grand Dragon, who we fought in Nashville, and his son, who I’m guessing was the guy you met. The Dragon sent his kid down here to team up with the Jenkins for the specific purpose of getting revenge against us.”
    “Well, shit... What’s the plan?” Dusty asked, looking worried enough for everyone in the room.
    “Unless something really amazing happens, we’ll fight,” Bill said. “We knew it would happen eventually. We weren’t counting on a bunch of white-robed crazies from Columbia joining in, though. That’ll make it tough.”
    “So, what should I do?”
    “As far as we know, the Jenkins, except for the Judge, don’t know where we are. That buys us a little time. I’d like you to use that time to start a quiet campaign against the rich families. Without giving too much away, I want you to find as many people as you can, people who are fed up with living under the boot heel, and may be willing to fight to change it. Let them know their chance is coming.”
    “I don’t know if that’ll work,” Dusty said.
    “It probably won’t, by itself, but I’ve got an idea that will give the people a taste of the good life. Just get started. You’ll get some help soon.”
    “Ok, Bill.”
    “Oh, and Dusty? Take a truck back. Might as well start showing off a little. Park it on the square where people can see it during the day,” Bill said.
    “Somebody might steal it,” Dusty replied.
    “Fuel for the fire. Even if it sits for an hour, that’ll be good enough to get the rumors flying. Dusty, you may have the most important part in all of this. You have lots of friends in town, and the real war is going to be fought in their hearts and minds. They’ll either knuckle under to the fear and intimidation of the families, or they will reach for something better.”
    “Yeah, let’s hope they still have dreams.”
     “Thanks for rushing out, Dusty.”
    “Yes, sir. I’m on my way.”
    Dusty nodded to the men in the room, winked slyly at Terry, and headed out.
    Bill wasn’t finished. “Kirk, I’d like you to give the Lieutenant and his men a tour of the neighborhood. Explain our defensive situation, and get their feedback. Then you all figure out the best way to work them into our plan.”
    “Ok, Bill. Will do,” Kirk answered.
    “Lieutenant, I’m afraid you’re here for the duration. We’re well equipped to deal with the locals, but throwing in another army of bad guys means we’ll need all the help we can get.”
    “No problem, Mr. Carter. We owe you, big time. Even my wife would agree.”
    “Thanks, Lieutenant. Talk to me after you’re done with Kirk.”
    Jackson and the silent Dillon filed out the door after Kirk, leaving Bill alone with Terry.
    “Terry, in the morning, you and Seth head back up to Murfreesboro. I need you to make arrangements with Charlie. On the way, talk to Larry and his boys. See if they can drum up some of their neighbors to head out this way. If they look shaky, tell them there’s plenty of food for the duration, which they should know by now.

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