Renegade Reborn
here he was, about to do the same.
    Gisbo took in his last breath, held it, tightened his grip on the dagger’s warm handle, and closed his eyes.
    Rolce arrived back within the Ronigade’s old, nameless home, and didn’t even make it past the second door before being overcome by a very snappy, very worried, Glinda Bicknill.
    “Where have you been? Damn it, Rolce! How dare you, how dare you risk your life for a damned memorial!” Glinda said.
    “I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t have left, I . . .” Rolce started. Suddenly, Glinda’s normal snooty demeanor broke. Tears filled her eyes and rolled down her face as she wrapped her arms around him.
    “I’m, I’m so sorry, Rolce. I shouldn’t have sworn at you. I, we, we were all so worried you got taken or, or something worse! You and your mind-link, you were what brought us back together after the . . . you know. Without you, we wouldn’t be here. Times are so dark, so dark, but at least we’re together. At least we all have each other. Some people don’t have anyone!” Glinda said, burying her face in Rolce’s chest. Rolce stroked her hair back, shushing her, until she finally took in a deep breath, and together they walked through the second set of doors.
    “Are you the only one still awake?” Rolce asked, when a voice spoke in the dark.
    “Hell no,” said a slurred voice.
    Role looked over in a darkened corner of the underground Ronigade home to see Grandfield Groggo seated at a table, picking at his second box of stale donuts, and washing them down with an enormous mug of ale.
    “Grandfield! Those things are put aside for emergency rations! You keep eating those things and you’re gonna . . .” Glinda started.
    “Have a heart attack? Die? Good! Something exciting for a change! I welcome it!” Grandfield said shoving another donut into his mouth, and lifting his mug back lazily as ale dribbled down his chin and onto his shirt.
    “Grandfield!” Glinda snapped.
    “Just let him be. We all deal with pain in different ways,” Rolce said in her ear.
    “He’s gotten so heavy, Rolce, I worry about him. He’s even taken off his Elekai’ ring,” Glinda said.
    “Don’t think I can’t hear you two! Fine, if I’m such a big fat eyesore, maybe I’ll just go to bed! Maybe I’ll just, I’ll just . . .” Grandfield slurred, but didn’t finish as he got up, walked through them, and waddled up the stairs to his Uncle Morry’s old dwelling, slamming the door behind him. Rolce sighed deeply, and collapsed into a chair by the cobweb-ridden bar. Glinda joined him.
    “I can’t do this, I thought I could, but I can’t . . .” Rolce said, placing his face in his hands. “I’m no leader, Glinda. I may have brought us together, but, what have we accomplished in the last three years? Nothing. All Jack and Rake do is train for a battle that’s not coming. Niffin shuts herself in her room and won’t come out. I don’t think I’ve heard her say a word after what happened. Crass and Anaka just badmouth Gisbo, putting the blame on him for everything. Grandfield eats his feelings, no doubt into a soon coming heart attack. Knob’s gone, Shaved’s dead, Kennis’ is dead, Ashlin’s dead, and Kinny is . . .” Rolce started as tears came to the corner of his eyes, but he fought them back. “You and Whip, you are the only ones with hope, the only ones who want to do something. It just, uh, damn it all, what’s the point? How can we put on our blue uniforms, in the colors of the phoenix, embodying freedom, and attack something that people flock to willingly? Who are we to take away their freedom of choice? Even when we know it will kill them in the end. I can’t, and won’t put myself, or any of you on a pedestal. And I, damn it all, Glinda, every night I go to sleep I still see him. I still see him leading us with that big stupid smile on his face. Then I wake up, and before my mind’s eye, I see him again in that awful, dripping wolf-form, shredding

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