gorgeous, in a way most people never noticed. There was a fire to him, an energy. Whatever it was, the raw power drew Lucky in and wouldn’t let go.
Lucky trusted little in the world, so life wouldn’t let him down. Couldn’t let him down. “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”
Bo dropped his gaze to their joined hands. “And if I snap one day? Go bat shit insane?”
“You won’t.” I’ll catch you if you fall.
Bo remained quiet for a while. Too long. Nerve-wrackingly long. “You can’t know that.”
“Then we’ll deal. Who’s to say I won’t snap? Or one day we wake up to the cat dangling a dead mouse in front of our noses.”
Bo snorted. “He’s too lazy to hunt. You feed him too well.”
Nope. No changing the subject. “We’ve already had this conversation. Well, not about the mouse thing. I can handle anything you throw at me. And I thought we’d agreed to move in together.”
“Just wanted to offer you an out in case you had second thoughts. I’ve been thinking about what we said in Mexico, about buying a house together.”
Cool! Time for Lucky to share his news. “About that—”
“I think we should wait. I mean, I’m not sure about what I want right now. One minute I think about staying on with the SNB if they offer, the next I’m online digging through college course books and dreaming about going back to school or something.”
What? No pressure. Don’t give him any pressure. He can’t stand any more. The shattering of Lucky’s dreams rang loud in his head. Don’t let it show! Don’t let it show! At least Bo hadn’t mentioned moving away from Atlanta.
It took a lot of effort for Lucky to say, “If that’s what you think’s best.” Fuck! What about the house? Now wasn’t the time to tell him. He might see the token of commitment as Lucky forcing his hand.
“So, you okay with me moving in with you? What about your landlady?”
Now was Lucky’s turn to snort. “If it came down to a choice between me and you, you’re her favorite. You have that effect on people.” If anyone didn’t like Bo, Lucky hadn’t found them. Hell, even the fur ball that’d barged into Lucky’s life meowing sucked up to Bo. Figured. The little ho cat made nice with Johnson too.
“The doctors here think I should be ready to leave in a few more weeks. Too bad that means leaving my counselor. I’ll see someone else once I’m discharged, but she’s easy to talk to.”
“Want me to go ahead and move you?” Quick! Before he changes his mind!
“I can’t ask that of you. I got too much stuff to move alone. Why don’t I give notice and pay another month?”
“Save your money. I won’t be alone. She don’t know it yet, but someone volunteered to help.” Johnson wanted to be Lucky’s friend? What good are friends if I don’t intend to use ‘em?
They huddled together in the chair, not speaking. Lucky squirmed and rearranged his cock. He’d gotten off a few minutes ago and already needed another round. His movement wafted their combined scents from under the covers. No doubt about what they’d been doing.
The door squeaked open behind him the moment Lucky snaked his hand into Bo’s jeans for round two. “Sir? I’m afraid visiting hours are over.”
Or maybe not.
“Oh, pretty!” Johnson held up one of Bo’s dragon statues. “The boy has good taste… in some things.”
Lucky snatched the figurine out of her hand. “Hush up and earn the case of beer I’m paying you.” Somehow, luring Johnson into helping him pack hadn’t been such a good idea.
“Yes, boss.” Could she sound more mocking? “But you should’ve warned me before I packed the bedside table.”
It’d be a cold day in Hell before she’d let Lucky live down how fast he’d run when she’d found Bo’s toy.
Lucky pulled himself up to his full height—six inches shorter than Johnson. “You so much as breathe a word to Bo, and they’ll never find your body.”
She raised her
Needa Warrant, Miranda Rights