Redeeming Heart
Where was his
somewhere with a BA from Boston University, an MBA from Emerson
College and seven years as a PR account executive. Despite his
résumé, he was in the same boat as Grady—displaced. Landon shared a
little—very little—about himself. The young man seemed to be
intrigued by Landon’s short version of his riches-to-rags story.
“Well, I’d better head to the showers.”
    “All right.” Grady nodded as he reached for a
green pocket Bible.
    Oh no. As long as you don’t talk about
Jesus, we’ll get along , Landon thought
as he walked out the room with the goody bag from Brother McCoy
with a bar of Zest soap.

Chapter 6
    “What a day.” Octavia exhaled as she waited for a
red light to change . Why do I feel like I dropped off a stray
pet at an animal shelter?
    He needed rescuing , the Lord answered
    She wished Jesus would have let her in on His
plan before Landon scared her half to death. After God told her not
to be afraid and she finally relaxed, Octavia enjoyed Landon’s
    She smiled. If he was shaved and cleaned up,
Landon would be handsome she supposed. It wasn’t the striking color
of his eyes that caught her attention—it was the depth of turmoil
that filled them, but with one blink, she erased the haunting from
her sight.
    Octavia admired Landon for not having a
blame-other-people attitude about himself. Despite his plight, he
possessed confidence when he spoke and walked, yet the moment he
stepped inside church, his demeanor changed drastically. Clearly,
he didn’t want to be there.
    Landon continued to invade her thoughts until
Terri’s ring tone played on her phone. Taking a deep breath, she
tapped her ear piece and prepared for a tongue lashing. “Hey,
    “This is not a ‘hey girl’ moment,” Terri
warned. “It’s an ‘are you out of your mind?’ followed by ‘are you
okay?’ moment after that stunt you pulled today. Please tell me
that homeless guy didn’t hold you at gunpoint—or rather fork point
since you fed him.” Terri didn’t give Octavia space to explain,
ranting on and on. “And let me go on record and say, you’ve lost
your mind!”
    Yeah, well, Octavia thought so too—at first.
She could have been raped as some female real estate agents had
been in the past because the listing agent didn’t make sure the
house was secured. It had truly been a “but God” moment. She lifted
one hand in silent praise before turning into the driveway of her
beige brick ranch house. The stone-covered double pillars and the
arch entryway created a stately welcome home after a long day. The
foreclosure home had been a good investment.
    As Octavia parked in her garage, Terri gasped
for air. She smirked, hoping her friend used her inhaler before she
upset herself. “Listen, granted I was afraid…” She paused.
    Despite how many testimonies she had shared
with Terri, her friend couldn’t believe God would waste His time
talking to ordinary people like them. Terri labeled herself a
Christian as if it were a multiple-choice answer on a quiz. Her
faith walk was questionable. That was reason enough for Octavia to
hold her tongue about what God had told her about Landon. Lowering
her garage door, Octavia got her things and crossed the threshold
into the kitchen. She deactivated her home security alarm, then
rested her keys and purse on the counter. “He was harmless. Plus,
the police were going to arrest him.”
    “And you stopped them? He probably would have
appreciated a bed and three meals a day!” Terri raised her voice.
“Besides, that’s police protocol for someone who breaks and enters
into a property without their name on the deed.”
    Octavia rubbed her feet as she kicked off her
shoes before making her way to her bedroom. The only thing she
wanted was a cool shower to wash away the perspiration from the
day’s humidity. “I’m fine, really,’ she tried to reassure her so
they could end the call.
    “Hmm, well, the next time you send me

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