
Read Red for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Red for Free Online
Authors: Ted Dekker
Tags: Ebook, book
understand that after fifteen years in another world, this one here feels more like the dream. Forgive me if I behave rather oddly now and then.”
    She smiled and shook her head. He was half “rather oddly” and half the old Thomas.
    â€œIt’s funny?” he asked.
    â€œNo. But just listen to you. ‘Forgive me if I behave rather oddly now and then.’ No offense, brother, but you sound a bit conflicted. Tell me more.”
    â€œAfter the Shataiki spread their poison through the colored forest, a terrible disease overtook the population. It makes the skin flake on the surface and crack underneath. It’s very painful. The eyes turn gray and the body smells, like sulfur or rotten eggs. But Elyon made a way for us to live without the effects of this disease. Seven forests—regular forests, not colored ones—still stand, and in each forest is a lake. If we bathe in the lake each day, the disease remains in remission. The only condition we have for living in the forest is that we bathe regularly and keep the lakes from being defiled with blood.”
    She just looked at him.
    â€œUnfortunately, I’m in a battle with the Horde at this very moment that may end it all.”
    â€œWhat about the prophecy?”
    â€œThat Elyon will bring down the Horde with one blow? Maybe dynamite is Elyon’s answer.” He stood, eager to move forward with this plan. “I have to figure out how to make dynamite before I go back.”
    â€œSo I take it you’re still dreaming,” Gains said behind them.
    Kara stood with her brother. Hearing the conviction in his voice and seeing the light in his eyes when he talked, she was tempted to think that the real drama was unfolding in a different reality, that the Raison Strain was only a story and the war in Thomas’s desert was the real deal.
    Gains brought her back to earth.
    â€œGood,” he said, rounding the sofa. “I have a feeling we’re going to need these dreams of yours. Never imagined I would ever say something like that, but then again, I never imagined we would ever face such a monster either. Can I get either of you a drink?”
    Neither responded.
    â€œAgain, the lack of security for your suite was my oversight. I hate to admit it, but we’ve underestimated you from the beginning, Thomas. I can guarantee you that has just changed.”
    Thomas said nothing.
    Gains eyed him. “You sure you’re okay?”
    â€œI’m fine.”
    â€œOkay.” He glanced at Kara, then back. “We need you on this, son.”
    â€œI’m not sure I can help anymore. Things have changed.”
    Gains stepped forward, took Thomas’s arm, and guided him toward the window. “I’m not sure you realize the full extent of what’s going on, but it’s not looking good, Thomas. Raison Pharmaceutical has just concluded the examination of a jacket that was left on a coatrack in the Bangkok International Airport. A man reportedly harassed several flight attendants before walking to the first-aid station, hanging his coat on the rack, and leaving. Any guesses as to what’s on the coat?”
    â€œThe virus,” Kara said.
    â€œCorrect. The Raison Strain. As promised by Valborg Svensson. As predicted by none other than Thomas Hunter, which makes you a very, very important man, Thomas. And yes, the virus is airborne. Which means that if the three of us aren’t already infected, we will be before we leave for D.C. Half of Thailand will be infected by week’s end.”
    â€œLeaving for D.C.?” Thomas asked. “Why?”
    â€œThe president has suggested that you tell a committee he’s pulling together what you know.”
    â€œI’m not sure I have anything to add to what you know.”
    Gains smiled nervously. “I know this hasn’t been the easiest week for you, Thomas, but I’m not sure you’re seeing the picture clearly here. We have a

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