Red Wind

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Book: Read Red Wind for Free Online
Authors: Raymond Chandler
Tags: detective, Suspense, Crime, Hardboiled, private eye
swung the wall bed and looked past its mirror side into the dressing-room for signs of still current occupancy. Swinging the bed farther I was no longer looking for pearls. I was looking at a man.
    He was small, middle-aged, iron -gray at the temples, with a very dark skin, dressed in a fawn-colored suit with a wine-colored tie. His neat little brown hands hung limply by his sides. His small feet, in pointed polished shoes, pointed almost at the floor.
    He was hanging by a belt around his neck from the metal top of the bed. His tongue stuck out farther than I thought it possible for a tongue to stick out.
    He swung a little and I didn’t like that, so I pulled the bed down and he nestled quietly between the two clamped pillows. I didn’t touch him yet. I didn’t have to touch him to know that he would be cold as ice.
    I went around him into the dressing-room and used my handkerchief on drawer-knobs. The place was stripped clean except for the light litter of a man living alone.
    I came out of there and began on the man. No wallet. Waldo would have taken that and ditched it. A flat box of cigarettes, half full, stamped in gold: “Louis Tapia y Cia , Galle de Paysand, 19, Montevideo.” Matches from the Spezzia Club. An under-arm holster of dark grained leather and in it a 9 millimeter Mauser.
    The Mauser made him a professional, so I didn’t feel so badly. But not a very good professional, or bare hands would not have finished him, with the Mauser—a gun you can blast through a wall with—undrawn in his shoulder holster.
    I made a little sense of it, not much. Four of the brown cigarettes had been smoked, so there had been either waiting or discussion. Somewhere along the line Waldo had got the little man by the throat and held him in just the right way to make him pass out in a matter of seconds. The Mauser had been less useful to him than a toothpick. Then Waldo had hung him up by the strap, probably dead already. That would account for haste, for cleaning out the apartment, for Waldo’s anxiety about the girl. It would account for the car left unlocked outside the cocktail bar.
    That is, it would account for these things if Waldo had killed him, if this was really Waldo’s apartment—if I wasn’t just being kidded.
    I examined some more pockets. In the left trouser one I found a gold penknife, some silver. In the left hip pocket a handkerchief, folded, scented. On the right hip another, unfolded but clean. In the right leg pocket four or five tissue handkerchiefs. A clean little guy. He didn’t like to blow his nose on his handkerchief. Under these there was a small new keytainer holding four new keys—car keys. Stamped in gold on the keytainer was: Compliments of R. K. Vogelsang, Inc. “The Packard House.”
    I put everything as I had found it, swung the bed back, used my handkerchief on knobs and other projections, and flat surfaces, killed the light and poked my nose out the door. The hall was empty. I went down to the street and around the corner to Kingsley Drive. The Cadillac hadn’t moved.
    I opened the car door and leaned on it. She didn’t seem to have moved, either. It was hard to see any expression on her face. Hard to see anything but her eyes and chin, but not hard to smell the sandalwood.
    “That perfume,” I said, “would drive a deacon nuts … no pearls.”
    “Well—thanks for trying,” she said in a low, soft, vibrant voice. “I guess I can stand it. Shall I… Do we … Or … ?”
    “You go on home now,” I said. “And whatever happens you never saw me before. Whatever happens. Just as you may never see me again.”
    “I’d hate—”
    “Good luck, Lola.” I shut the car door and stepped back.
    The lights blazed on, the motor turned over. Against the wind at the corner the big coupé made a slow contemptuous turn and was gone. I stood there by the vacant space at the curb where it had been.
    It was quite dark there now. Windows had become blanks in the apartment where the

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