Reclaim My Heart

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Book: Read Reclaim My Heart for Free Online
Authors: Donna Fasano
Tags: General Fiction
damnedest to hide it behind a tight, you-can’t-hurt-me smirk that would only get him into deeper trouble. The kid’s badass attitude churned up startling emotions in Lucas; dread, frustration, guilt.
    He could be sitting here staring at himself at that age.
    “Your Honor, what if I were to take him out of town for a time?” The question surprised Lucas just as much as it seemed to surprise everyone else in the courtroom. All eyes turned to him.
    “Some litigation I’somigationve been working on was recently settled.”
    Judge Taylor nodded. “I read about that in this morning’s paper. Congratulations, Counselor.”
    Lucas nodded his appreciation, but his mind fixed on the almost impossible logistics of making his suggestion happen. “I only have a couple other cases I’m working on at the moment. I could pass them on to colleagues. Clear my desk. Zach and I could go to Wikweko. The town where I grew up.” He glanced down the table, noted Tyne’s stunned expression, but didn’t let it deter him from asking, “Zach is out of school for the summer, right?”
    Tyne’s fiancé casually examined his cuticles, and an odd irritation flared in Lucas.
    When Tyne didn’t answer, Lucas looked at Zach. “You must have several weeks of vacation left, right?” Suspicion clouded his son’s dark gaze.
    Lucas turned to the judge. “Wikweko is a Lenape community near Lancaster. A month or so there and Zach’s life would change forever. I’m sure of it, Judge. There’s plenty of open space. Hiking. Fishing. And community events—tribal gatherings. Zach could learn about his heritage.” His heart started to race. The more he thought about this idea, the more it excited him. “You know, Your Honor, I haven’t taken a vacation in…” His short bark of laughter held an odd note. Vacation? What the hell was that? “I’m sure I could get away from the office for a month. They owe me that. I’d only need a couple of days to sort things out. Then we could head off to—”
    “You’re not taking Zach anywhere.” Tyne’s shrill voice sliced through his enthusiasm.
    “You have a problem with your son getting to know his father, Ms. Whitlock?” the judge asked.
    “I haven’t seen this man for…‌for…‌years. Many years. I don’t know what kind of person he is.” Panic edged her words. “I refuse to allow—”
    “Mr. Hawk is a well-respected attorney,” Taylor pointed out. “An attorney with a plan. A plan that’s sounding really good to me, actually. Healthy, outdoor activity, and father-son bonding time. What more could we ask for?”
    Lucas leaned forward and looked down the table. “Tyne, you’re welcome to come along. I’m only thinking of Zach.”
    “I can’t just drop everything and leave the city for a month, Lucas.” Her blue eyes narrowed and her jaw tensed. “I have a business to run.”
    “What about what I want?” Zach blurted. “Does anyone care what I want?”
    Judge Taylor peered over his eyeglasses once again. “Sorry, son. You lost your vote when you ran the train off the track.” He pushed at his glasses with his index finger. “Ms. Whitlock, if you own this catering business—”
    “Co-own,” she corrected. “I am co-owner of—”
    “Even better.” Taylor nodded. “That means the business doesn’t depend on you alone. I suggest you do a little delegating.” He shrugged. “Or stay in town and work. The choice is yours. As for Zach, I think some time with his father is just the ticket.”
    “Lucas!” Tyne whispered furiously. “Don’t do this. Don’t you dare take Zach—”
    “It’s done,” Taylor stated. He looked over at the court clerk. “I grant Lucas Hawk custody of Zach Whitlock for thirty days.”
    “You can’t do that!”
    “Oh, but I can, Ms. Whitlock,” the judge said. “The good state of Pennsylvania has granted me that privilege. Mr. Hawk, please utilize the time to do what you can for your son.”
    “I will, Your Honor. Thank

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