Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1)

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Book: Read Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Adrian D Roberts
fly something other than diplomats around?”
    There was no chance of a transfer, the Legion had too much invested in her, and Shadow Company was too good, for her to be replaced.  She couldn’t tell Tom that and he couldn’t understand why ‘Eleanor’ couldn’t get a transfer to a different assignment.  Valerie’s cover story had her flying shuttles for over ten years and it was due to her lack of Family influence denying her advancement.  Tom thought Valerie’s family had died and she used all of her inheritance to pay for a good university education, allowing her to join the Legion Officer Corp.  Since then, with no patronage, she hadn’t been able to advance any further than Lieutenant.
    “I’ve tried, Tom, and I spoke to my Captain this morning but there is nothing available for me.”  Valerie lied.  “This is a job they need experienced pilots for, but isn’t a job that people want.  Boring shuttle runs, with long trips across space in a tiny cubbyhole of a berth.  All on a Diplomatic Courier that’s built for speed, with the only comfort available going to the Diplomats.  Who’d want that?
    “Come on, there’s no point crying over something we can’t change.”  It hurt Valerie to lie to her husband and she changed the subject.  “How’s work going?  Is that promotion in the offering?”
    “I think so, Ell.  Aamir wants me to run the accounts for the regeneration project out at Sandy Shores.”  Tom said.  “If I can get the numbers how they want them, and we keep it within budget, it’ll be good news all round.”
    “That’s excellent...”  The two of them chatted long into the night, each wishing they had more time.

    Five Helos and the support shuttle sat on the deck of Bay Fourteen, men and women bustling around the six vehicles.  The Helos were black, squat, sleek and lethal, with two engines that looked too big for them, strapped to either side of their short tails.  Two powerful Plasma Cannons pointed out from the flat nose, with anti-personnel Blasters on short turrets to either side.
    The snub wings under the engines were currently bare.  They could be fitted with a range of ordnance depending on the mission profile.  The two flight wings at the top of the fuselage were swept back out of the way.  Designed for orbital space flight, fast re-entry and ground support in an atmosphere, the Windsoar class Helo, was the best Assault Drop ship in the Legion.
    Each Helo could carry a platoon of twenty soldiers in full armour and would get the combat troops out to the PLN Wishart.  Captain Gibson’s Operations squad of ten, would be in the much larger Scarab class shuttle.  All the personal gear and the Company’s Fully Powered Battle Armour would go with them.
    Valerie saw Captain Benz off to one side with Lieutenant Penty and headed over to them.  Benz and Penty seeing her approach, saluted.  Valerie returned their salutes.
    “How are we looking, Captain?”
    “All good, Major.  The Helos are checked and flight ready.”  Captain Benz answered.  “I’ve already been in touch with Captain Tsoutsouvas on the Wishart.  She’s ready to receive us.”
    “Excellent.  I’ll check in with Joss and we can get this show moving.”
    “Yes, Ma’am.  I believe he’s over by the Scarab.”
    “Thanks, Hans.”   Valerie left them and walked over towards the shuttle, where it was parked on the other side of the Windsoars.  The soldiers of Shadow Company were busy checking and loading their gear, so didn’t come to attention as she passed, but did acknowledge her with a nod or casual salute.  She returned them, often with a smile.  It was only the Company in the Bay and there was no need for formality.
    Valerie found the tall, broad shouldered Captain behind the Scarab.  More than twice the size of the Windsoars, it had heavier armour and was armed with only anti-personnel Pulse cannons.  Like the Windsoars it was

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