Rayven's Keep

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Book: Read Rayven's Keep for Free Online
Authors: Kylie Wolfe
her otherwise. Instead, she contented herself with letting it flap open and catch any stray breeze coming her way. She refused to ask him to slow down, even though she trotted to keep up with his long strides. She had her pride, battered though it was.
    They rounded a corner and before her, shimmering in the sunlight, was his home. She stopped dead in her tracks, trying to take it all in. He took a couple of steps and stopped. He half turned, an eyebrow raised in question. She shut her gaping mouth with a snap, ignoring the flare of satisfaction on his face. “Oh my.”
    The house spread before her wasn’t large, at least not by her family’s standards. And yet, it appeared nothing less than magnificent, designed to blend with its surroundings rather than draw attention. It was multileveled and built of a mellowed buff-colored stone with darker streaks running through it. Windows sparkled in the sunlight and flanked wide, deep stairs leading to the heavily carved front doors. Tall trees shaded the house and water splashed in a fountain encircled by flowers. A thick wall surrounded the house, looking impressive, rather than threatening, but she didn’t doubt for a minute uninvited guests wouldn’t make it very far.
    Considered a masterpiece on her world, her family home seemed ostentatious and overblown compared to Nick’s.
    “Your home is stunning,” Tru said. “It is not at all what I expected.” She couldn’t easily read his expression, but suspected her comment had annoyed him somehow.
    He gave her a mocking bow and swept his arm out. “After you.”
    Unsure how to respond, she nodded and preceded him up the path.
    The great hallway was cool and a welcome relief from the humidity outside. She blinked while her eyes adjusted from the exterior brightness to the relative dimness inside the house. Approaching footsteps echoed off the marble floor and a man made his appearance. A broad smile full of humor and mischief lit his handsome face, but interest flashed in his shrewd gaze before he turned to Nick.
    She was caught off guard when the man stopped in front of Nick and saluted before punching him lightly on the shoulder. Nick grinned and punched him back. They launched into conversation in a language she’d never heard before. Smooth, musical words mesmerized as she listened to the ebb and flow of their deep voices. The language sounded complex, beautiful and utterly alien. Unable to follow the conversation, Tru settled for watching the men.
    Nick might command a room with the sheer force of his presence, but certainly the other man would never go unnoticed either. Although he focused on the conversation, she sensed his awareness of her. The angle of his head and set of his shoulders made him seem watchful.
    Another resident joined them, but didn’t participate in the conversation. He listened intently, not paying much attention to her beyond the initial curious glance. Tru began to feel overwhelmed by so much testosterone in the room and it didn’t help when the men darted speculative glances her way throughout their conversation with Nick.
    He spoke a single, sharp word and all conversation ceased. The men turned their attention to her with military precision. She edged closer and stood slightly behind Nick.
    He caught her arm and drew her beside him. “Tru, this is Seth Mandekor and Callen Bluestone, my partners.” He’d indicated each of the men in front of her with a brisk nod. “And this is Tru Creighton.” The subtle emphasis on her name confirmed she’d been the topic of conversation. Not a new circumstance, but one she’d never found comfortable.
    Seth turned warm hazel eyes her way and winked. “Welcome, Tru Creighton.”
    His mischievous smile invited a response, and Tru relaxed enough to smile back. Seth Mandekor was as handsome as sin and she suspected not averse to using his looks to his advantage. Like Nick, he stood tall and broad-shouldered, with his sun-streaked brown hair, cut shorter

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