Rashomon Gate
class, "I was sent to Kazusa province when the provincial governor was being recalled. Our government makes certain that every official's records are in order before a new appointee takes over. Perhaps some day you, too, will be called on to check records or govern a province. That is why you must study hard now to be prepared."
    Another boy asked, "Was it very hard work, sir?"
    Akitada hesitated. "Not so very hard. I had help from some good people, but . . ." All eyes hung on his lips. "Well, there were some evil people there who, out of greed, plotted and committed murder, which made the assignment unusually diffi—" He broke off.
    The frail boy had jumped up. He looked perfectly white and his fists were clenched. "May I please be excused, sir?" he gasped, then dashed out the door without waiting for an answer, slamming it behind him.
    Akitada looked after him in surprise. "What is that boy's name?" he asked.
    "That's Lord Minamoto," volunteered one of the boys immediately.
    His neighbor added with bitter satisfaction, "He thinks he's better than the rest of us and can do what he wants."


    Early the following morning, Akitada met with Seimei and Tora. His mother was still blissfully unaware of his new occupation, and Akitada hoped to escape before she could send for him.
    They were in Akitada's room, which looked out on the sadly overgrown garden. In the distance Lady Sugawara's veranda struck a jarring note with its pale new wood next to the dark, weathered walls of the ancient Sugawara mansion.
    "My mother has grown quite fond of you, I think," Akitada told Tora. "Offering to repair her veranda was a master stroke."
    Tora smirked. There had at first been a certain stiffness between the old lady and the former robber. "I am to see to the garden next," he stated proudly.
    "Well," Akitada said, "that's why I wanted to talk to you. The garden will have to wait. I have an assignment for you. I am working on a case at the university and shall need you both." He explained about the misdirected blackmail note.
    Tora clapped his hands. "Great!" he cried. "I like investigating. Just turn me loose and I'll find out what's going on at that school."
    Seimei sniffed. "You had better watch your step! They are not your ramshackle friends from the city. Professors are learned noblemen, and the students young gentlemen. They have been studying the precepts of Master Kung and have immersed themselves in the wisdom of the five sages." He turned to his master. "Perhaps I had better take off a few days also, sir. That way I can make sure this young hothead does not get into trouble."
    Akitada smiled. "No, my friend. I shall need you in the government offices. Professors are officials of rank, and that means the Bureau of Education will have files on them." He picked up a sheet of paper and handed it to Seimei. "See what you can find about these people in the archives and by talking to the clerks. Especially any recent changes in their financial standing."
    "What do you want me to do?" Tora asked eagerly.
    "You may present yourself at the university as my servant. Mingle with the staff, servants, students, groundskeepers and so forth. Pick up any gossip about the professors and students that might tell us what is behind the blackmail."
    Tora nodded and rubbed his hands. "I may need some money, sir."
    "Don't give him a red copper, sir!" cried Seimei. "He will spend it buying wine for every low class person he encounters."
    Tora protested, "Haven't you always told me that walls have ears and bottles have mouths? I thought I'd be the wall and listen to the wine talking."
    "Make sure the wall is sound or our plan will collapse," Akitada said dryly, as he counted the copper coins on a string before handing it to Tora.
    Tora grinned and tucked the coppers in his sash. He headed towards the door, with Seimei following more slowly, when Akitada remembered something else. "Seimei," he called, "while you are checking the names on the

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