
Read Raincheck for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Raincheck for Free Online
Authors: Sarah Madison
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
him to freak out, though.”
    “Sadie doesn’t scare easily,” David drawled, enjoying the absurdity of the whole evening immensely and picturing what his mugger must have looked like. He wondered if the sorry bastard had wet his pants. “Besides, you know how the city is. Anything goes.” He decided to leave out the part about how Sadie was nearly as blind as a bat.
    “What about you?” Rodney’s ears wilted further, and his wings seemed to fold in protectively around his shoulders.
    “Well, I got hit in the head,” David said slowly. “So everything was a little muzzy at first. By the time I realized I wasn’t really seeing things, I already knew it was you. And I know you. You’re the guy from the roof. We’ve talked about books, for crying out loud. How can I be afraid of you?”
    Rodney rocked back on his toes as though staggered by David’s words. A shy, crooked smile teased at his lips before it faded. “I finished the Sherlock Holmes collection, by the way. It was fantastic. I’ll leave it on the roof for you. I should be going now. You need to get to the hospital.”
    David loathed the thought of Rodney leaving. He had a funny feeling it would be the last time he saw Rodney if he did. “I’m fine. I don’t need a doctor.”
    “Yes, you do,” Rodney snapped, folding his arms across his chest. His wings lifted out from his body slightly, and he looked immense in the small apartment. “I’m not an idiot, you know. I read the papers. I know how deceptive head trauma can be in you humans. You need to get completely checked out. You’re getting a CAT scan. I’ve already called someone to come get you.”
    He held out his hand, opening the palm to reveal David’s cell phone. David stepped forward and took it automatically before it registered with him that Rodney had used his phone. “You what ? Who’d you call?”
    “I called someone named ‘Sean’. It was the first name on the ‘emergency contact’ list.” Rodney spoke almost primly, like a lecturing professor, and David wanted to laugh again.
    It could have been worse. “He’s my brother. What on earth did you tell him?”
    Rodney shrugged, an oddly human gesture for one so alien. “The truth, basically. That you’d been mugged and were back at your apartment but refusing to go to the hospital. He’s on his way now.”
    “Shit,” David muttered. “No, no, you did the right thing.” He waved off Rodney’s sudden look of concern. “I just really don’t want to deal with my family at the moment.”
    “You’re lucky to have family,” Rodney said. “I have to make up my own.”
    Before David could respond to that intriguing statement, the buzzer rang loud and long as someone leaned on it.
    “Shit!” David looked around for a hiding place and failed to find one. “Quick, hide in the bedroom or something!”
    Rodney started suddenly, turning to look back at the door in agitation, and one of his wings brushed the countertop, sending a glass crashing into the sink.
    “David?” A heavy pounding rattled the door. “Are you all right? I’m coming in!”
    David gripped Rodney by the arms to squeeze past him at the entranceway to the room, his fingers inadvertently caressing Rodney’s warm, silky skin before he called out to Sean.
    “I’m fine, damn it. Keep your shirt on, Sean.”
    The doorknob was turning even as he reached for it himself. Shit, he’d forgotten he’d given Sean a key. He glanced back over his shoulder to see Rodney standing like a statue against the wall of the living room, wings folded around his body, his tail wrapped around his legs, those amazing, glowing eyes closed.
    Sean came barreling into the apartment, key in hand, only to pull up short at the sight of David. “Holy crap, David, you look like shit. Are you okay?” Sean reached out to place a hand on David’s arm before David pulled away.
    “I’m fine.

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