    “I won’t speak of it.” 
    “That’s not what I want.  I want you to feel comfortable talking to me.  Maybe it will help you heal from that time in your life.  Nothing you tell me will ever go beyond us.” 
    “What about your friends?”  It wasn’t an accusation.  He seemed genuinely curious. 
    She shook her head.  “No.  Hudson and Natalia know not to share any details about anything with me and they understand my need to keep things private.  There’s too much history.  It wouldn’t be right.”  Shrugging, she added, “I have to kind of stumble through on my own.” 
    Elijah stood and wrapped his arms around her.  She hugged him back and loved the clean male scent of him. 
    “If I admit the need to heal, I acknowledge my weakness.” 
    “No,” she told him softly, “you just let it happen.  There’s nothing weak about you.  Even the toughest people experience pain and trauma.  No matter what happened, you made it to this moment as a man who’s strong, beautiful, and kind.  You could’ve turned cold or uncaring.  You didn’t.  You won.” 
    Leaning back, his eyes roamed over her face.  A strong hand lifted and stroked through her hair.  He seemed fascinated by the texture, rubbing a thick strand between his fingers. 
    “Could you love me, do you think?” 
    “Yes, too easily,” she confessed without thought. 
    “You’re honest without pause.  It places you at a distinct disadvantage.”  She shrugged.  “Could you love Harper?” 
    “That’s a harder question to answer.” 
    “I’m drawn to you for reasons I can’t define yet.  I’m attracted to Harper but he clearly has no interest in more than a sexual relationship and that will probably carve out my insides.” 
    “Is your attraction due to his similarities to Hudson?” 
    Brie paused with a frown.  “No, though I admit it was interesting to me initially.  Kind of fascinating.  He’s similar in looks and mannerisms but very different in ways I don’t fully understand.  The differences entice me, even though it will be those that hurt me in the end.  Both of you are enigmas.” 
    “You’re more astute than even I realized.”  The silence drew out between them.  “You offer us the possibility of love that asks for nothing in return.” 
    “Love should be given freely, without condition.”
    “I’d like to feel what that’s like, Brie.”  She didn’t know how to answer.  “I’ll protect you.” 
    Inhaling deeply, she gave him a small smile.  “You won’t be able to, Elijah.  No matter how capable you are in the physical world, the emotional element is outside your comfort zone.” 
    She watched him consider her words.  There was no doubt in her mind that much of what she said confused him. 
    “You possess strong emotions.” 
    “All my life, yes.” 
    “You’ve been hurt.”  All she could do was stare at him.  “I promise to be careful with you.  I’ll try to temper Harper.” 
    Smiling, she replied, “You’re only responsible for yourself .  Harper made his interest clear.  I proceed at my own risk.” 
    He stroked his fingers from her temple to her jaw and her eyes drifted shut.  She craved his warmth. 
    “You’re tactile like a cat.  I like that about you.” 
    She needed a moment to think without looking into the eyes of a man who inspired powerful emotions already.  Since his first visit, she’d lain awake nights hoping he’d return.
    When his lips touched hers, she gasped softly.  One hand wrapped around her as the other cupped her face. 
    Elijah’s kiss was unlike anything she’d ever experienced.  It was a play to both sides of her nature. 
    It called to the softness inside her that wanted to give love and receive love more than anything else.  She also understood that he was a man capable of snapping her neck.  He wouldn’t but his ability to do so was strangely stimulating. 
    His focus was incredible

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