Racing Hearts (Shadow Quest 4.5)
environment that required a sharp
and cunning mind over prestige any day. That, and a shit load of
    Most of the items in Darius' office
were displayed to exude a sense of upper-class and distinction,
objects placed meticulously to build a sense of importance.
Sebastian saw it for what it was: a facade of an egotistical man.
This man was no more important than a leaf on the wind. As a
merchant, Sebastian had to deal with these all-too-self-important
types constantly.
    Darius dressed—same as he decorated his
office—with the purpose of seeming more important than he was. His
suit, expertly tailored, was made from the finest fabrics. Shoes,
buffed to a perfect shine. And his coffee-colored hair was molded
neatly, framing his face.
    Darius sipped his cup of steaming
liquid while he, in turn, scrutinized Sebastian. Sebastian's
clothes were simple. His style was more wear-whatever-you-grab and
less preconceived, although today he put a little more thought into
his dress. A pair of black pants—riddled with pockets, buckles, and
secret places to hide his weapons—a pair of thick black boots,
scuffed with overuse, and a dark coat, lined with a light-grey faux
fur over a simple white shirt. Around his neck he wore two heavy
silver chains, which could double as weapons if needed. His short
black hair was purposefully messed, allowing his horns to peek out.
He too knew how to put on a show. His appearance projected danger
and reinforced the common knowledge that one did not want to piss
off a demon, especially this one.
    Darius sat silently, giving off his
usual air of superiority. Sebastian matched him with a quiet
reserve, knowing what was about to come.
    Negotiation time.
    “I'll give you half the agreed price,”
Darius finally declared in a tone meant to end the conversation
there. He put down his mug and picked up his pen, readying to draw
up the new contract.
    Two items missing from the
load and the bastard thinks he should get half off!
    Stifling his annoyance, Sebastian
replied, “That would not even cover my costs.” His voice was calm,
a slight lift at the corners of his lips, his face a mask of
arrogance. It was the only way to deal with the obdurate
    “A few of the items I requested are
missing from the load. I cannot pay the full amount we agreed upon.
If I did that, every one of my merchants would bring me only half
of my order and demand full price.” Darius tsked.
    “There are only two items I was unable
to acquire and those items are damn near impossible for anyone to
get. I would have to risk my life or the lives of my crew, and you
are not paying me enough for that.”
    “I disagree.” A knowing
smile played across his lips. “A few short weeks ago, a competitor
of yours, Kierok, I believe was his name, was able to bring me one
of those items and charged me less than you quoted.” A steely
pause. “Perhaps I should do more business with him .”
    Sebastian knew Kierok, a rival merchant
and a heartless creature. He also knew that Darius was waiting for
some kind of outburst at the prospect of losing him as a customer.
He probably expected Sebastian to crumble at his words and beg for
whatever pay he was willing to offer.
    But Sebastian could not care less if he
and Darius did business. There was something abhorrent about the
man. Sebastian sensed he needed to tread cautiously around him and
always kept his guard up, as though he were a snake in the grass
waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
    “Kierok doesn't give two shits about
his own crew and callously risked their lives to procure your
goods. I don't work that way.”
    Darius studied him for a
moment, frown in place. “Kierok could provide me with all the same services as
you,” he pushed.
    Sebastian only smiled, never taking his
eyes from the man in front of him. “If that's how you feel, I will
have my men pack up the cargo and we'll be on our way.”
    Darius tried and failed to hide a sneer
before saying,

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