Quick, Amanda

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Book: Read Quick, Amanda for Free Online
Authors: Late for the Wedding
    No, sir," Tobias said. I merely wish to have a look around
    Fullerton's bed chamber. Perhaps it would be best if you accompanied us."
    It was a thinly veiled command, but Beaumont did not appear to
    be aware that he was being ordered about by a man who was his
    social inferior.
    Yes, of course," Beaumont said. He turned quickly and led the
    way back toward the house.
    When Tobias spoke in that deep, resonant, utterly sure voice,
    people tended to obey without question, Lavinia thought. He had an
    uncanny ability to assume command at times when others were
    dashing about mindlessly. She suspected that the subtle skill was
    more complex than he knew or would ever acknowledge.
    In the course of their last major investigation, an incident had
    occurred that had convinced her that Tobias possessed the raw,
    untrained talent of a powerful mesmerist. She was certain that the
    source of his abilities lay deep in that pool of midnight inside him.
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    She was equally certain that he would never acknowledge those
    abilities, not even to himself. For reasons she did not fully compre
    hend, he had chosen to bury that side of his nature beneath several
    layers of stubborn logic and an iron will. Until he met her, he had
    labeled all mesmerists charlatans and frauds who preyed on the
    weak and the gullible.
    When he had discovered that she was trained in the art, his first
    reaction had been to dismiss her skills. Lately she had sensed his
    grudging acceptance of her abilities, but she was very well aware
    that he still preferred to ignore them as much as possible.
    Inside the castle, she and Tobias followed their host up the main
    staircase. Beaumont was breathing heavily by the time they
    reached the landing. He paused to catch his breath.
    A large number of guests milled about on this floor. One of them
    was a woman with lustrous brown hair bound up in a loose knot.
    Lavinia did not recognize her until she turned around. Aspasia
    had removed the black wig and cobra diadem, and she had changed
    into a heavily embroidered green silk dressing gown.
    She spotted Tobias and walked swiftly toward him.
    What is going on?" she demanded in a low voice. Everyone is
    saying that Fullerton fell from the roof and broke his neck."
    That seems to be the case," Tobias said.
    Beaumont whipped out a handkerchief and wiped his brow. He
    surveyed the flock of guests. Terrible accident. Quite dreadful, actually. But I assure you that matters are
    in hand. The doctor is on his
    way. You may all return to your bed chambers."
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    Aspasia's fine brows puckered in a small frown. Her lips parted
    on a question. Lavinia saw Tobias shake his head once in a small,
    silencing motion.
    Aspasia obediently closed her mouth.
    You must excuse us," Tobias said. We are in a hurry. Lord
    Beaumont is taking us to Fullerton's bed chamber."
    Aspasia appeared startled, and then Lavinia saw a flicker of
    comprehension in her dark eyes.
    Tobias?" Aspasia whispered in husky tones. Do you think?"
    I will speak with you later," he said gently.
    Yes, of course." Aspasia moved gracefully out of the way. Her gaze
    rested thoughtfully on Lavinia.
    The moment of communication that had passed between Aspasia
    and Tobias was brief, Lavinia reflected as she accompanied the two
    men down the hall, but there was no mistaking the intimacy of it.
    Aspasia clearly felt that she had a claim of some sort on Tobias, and
    he, in turn, accepted some obligation toward her.
    If there was one thing that she had learned about Tobias during
    the past few months, Lavinia thought, it was that he took his
    perceived responsibilities very seriously.
    She glanced back just in time to see Aspasia disappear through a
    bed chamber door. It was a very familiar bed chamber door.
    Well, that was certainly one mystery solved tonight, she thought.
    She now

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