[Queen of Orcs 01] - King's Property

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Book: Read [Queen of Orcs 01] - King's Property for Free Online
Authors: Morgan Howell
their hands, and their comments were more subdued. From the way the other women regarded her, Dar suspected some regretted that Varf hadn’t carried out his threat. She recalled the enraged look in his eyes and felt certain he hadn’t been teasing. She touched her nose and silently thanked Murdant Kol that it was still there.
    After the soldiers departed, the women grabbed hurried meals before beginning the next round of chores. Dar headed for the Queen’s Man’s compound. It lay at the edge of the encampment, for the general who commanded the regiment’s orcish and human soldiers stayed apart from both. His compound reflected his high rank. The tents there were large and finely made. Each was sewn together and fitted over a frame so it resembled a cloth house with vertical walls and a pyramidal roof. Dar guessed the largest one belonged to the Queen’s Man. As she approached it, a soldier barred her way.
    “What are ye doin’ here?”
    “Murdant Kol told me to come. He said there was some work.”
    “Wait here. He’s busy with the murdants.”
    As Dar waited, she thought she heard Murdant Kol’s voice coming through the wall of a nearby tent. “…all shieldrons must be at the assembly point by the end of this moon. Take it easy; the Queen’s Man wants the orcs rested for the campaign. Murdant Teeg, you’ll have…”
    “So birdie,” said the soldier, “what does Kol want of ye?”
    “I don’t know.”
    The soldier grinned. “Can’t ye guess?”
    When Dar blushed, the soldier’s grin broadened.
    Dar’s inquisition was interrupted when a group of men emerged from the closest tent. Dar recognized Murdant Teeg among them. Murdant Kol strode out last, with the assurance of a man with authority. He glanced in Dar’s direction and smiled. “There are some hares in the cook tent,” he said. “The officers got them hawking and want their pelts for helmet liners. You’ll skin them and scrape their hides for tanning.”
    “I’ll have to soak the hides for at least a day before scraping them,” said Dar.
    “A day is all you’ll have,” said Kol. “We’ll be breaking camp day after tomorrow.”
    “Then I’ll be sure to finish them by then.”
    “Good,” said Kol. He led Dar to the tent where food was prepared for the officers. It was much smaller and better made than the one Dar worked in, featuring sides that could be rolled down in bad weather and a vent to let smoke out yet keep rain from entering. Two branded women were there, one tending the fires and the other pounding grain. Three men were preparing a meal. Kol addressed one of them. “Dar, here, will be skinning the hares. Give her a liver for her trouble.”
    Murdant Kol left, and Dar began to work. There were seven hares and she took extra care skinning and dressing them. When she was done, a cook took the carcasses. Dar reminded him that Murdant Kol had said she could have a liver. Irritation crossed the man’s face, but he handed Dar one. “Take it, birdie, but don’t cook it here.”
    Dar cupped the morsel in her hand and carried the pelts to the river. There, she waded out to a submerged boulder, spread the pelts on it, and weighted them down with rocks. That done, Dar skewered the liver on a stick and headed for the fire pit. It was crowded with women busy preparing another meal. Dar halted, imagining their reaction if she roasted her reward while they worked. Dar moved out of the women’s sight, then removed the liver from the stick and ate it raw.
    Dar was wiping her bloody fingers on the grass when she noticed Murdant Kol watching her. He sauntered over. “You’re a fierce one,” he said. “No wonder you rile the men.” Kol eyed Dar’s body as if he were judging a horse. Dar tensed under his scrutiny and Kol acknowledged her reaction by smiling. “Yes,” he said. “I’m certain of it—your face looks better with a nose.”
    Dar frowned but did not reply.
    “You show too much spirit,” said Kol. “It causes

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