Provenance I - Flee The Bonds
Defender ranked him a Sergeant.
    ‘Thank you, sir, we’ll handle this.’ The Sergeant stepped towards Steve.
    ‘It’s been reported, sir, that you contravened directive eleven-five-seventeen, which prohibits the use of unauthorised force against Continuity.’
    ‘I work for the Food Ministry and I thought the gentleman was someone else, a rogue trader. I’m sorry.’
    Celbrohn’s chin jerked up. ‘Yeah right.’ He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his Personal Network Phone. ‘It’s all here, every word.’
    Steve returned Celbrohn’s smile. His MCD disrupted unauthorised visual and audio receivers within a ten-metre radius. The question as to why Celbrohn was recording would have to wait.
    The Sergeant reached inside the patrol car and retrieved a portable BRD. Steve turned to block Celbrohn’s view and pressed his thumb onto the biofield icon.
    The Sergeant’s head sprung up, his eyes darted between Steve’s and the reader.
    Steve leant in. ‘Like I said, I work for the Food Ministry and I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.’
    ‘I understand, sir. Do you need us to take any further action?’
    ‘No thanks.’ Steve lowered his voice, ‘This incident is closed, and unrecorded.’
    ‘Yes, sir.’
    Without further comment, the Defenders climbed into their patrol car and sped away. For the second time that day, Celbrohn remained glued to the spot.
    Steve returned to Penny and smiled; relief dropped from her shoulders.
    ‘What happened?’
    He wrapped his arm around her. ‘Mistaken identity.’
    There was only one logical explanation for Celbrohn’s unblemished record. Someone had deleted his CPF and that someone had to be an Advocate — or SIS.
    * * * *
    Steve drove Penny back to Rose Cottage before returning to Cool Breeze .
    He slumped into the settee, swapped the brown MPS for his platinum one and tapped the screen. A smile formed as he listened to Jason’s message, he and Penny would be having dinner. The smile withered, Kalckburg . Steve knew the name, and the consequences of what he’d persuaded Jason to do.
    His MCD sprang to life, vibrating the metal tabletop that separated the two leather settees. He picked it up, ‘000000000000000’. Irreversible call ID.
    ‘Hello, Steve. My name is Alex Shundo. Jason asked me to send you a birthday present. Please do not open it at your party.’
    Steve stared at the MCD screen. Alex Shundo was a senior SCITECH on Provenance and Jason’s procurer of entertainment equipment that utilised proscribed technology. The Council had retarded technology on Earth to prevent the Resistance obtaining tech weaponry. It had been successful, although its adverse effect on education and healthcare had also helped to increase the Resistance’s popularity.
    He’d never met Alex, which according to Jason was at Alex’s request. Steve suspected it was more to do with Jason’s desire to cut out any competition. Whatever the package was, Jason didn’t want it opened in public.
    His gaze narrowed on a flashing icon, Jason again.
    The message decrypted.
    He sank back into the settee. The broken rings meant the Resistance had infiltrated CONSEC; their suicidal attack would not be far behind. Command placing him under a watch order could relate to one of two things. He was being assessed for Citadel or SIS had arrested Gerhard Kalckburg. The first involved his joining the Advocates in cryostasis on Provenance, the second his execution.

14:43 SAT 21:10:2119
    Intra Zone, Seine - et - Marne, France, Sector 2
    At the far end of the salle bleu, the viewscreen above the marble fireplace flickered into life. A grid of eight squares appeared within its gilded laurel frame, each one filled with a male face and each true identity known only to Francois. He placed his palms on the polished tabletop. ‘ Lannes votre rapport . ’
    ‘Heightened security at SF 12. Containers seen off loading into bunkers. Unable to verify cargo.’
    Francois tapped his MCD screen.

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