Prophecy of the Undead
face look evil.
    “I forcibly reminded them how unwise it is to pick on a woman who has a strong friend with an anger problem.”
    “I heard bones breaking...”
    “Yes...big ones. Then after I saw to bringing you across and you were unconscious, I put them both into the car and soaked it with the gas from the cans they were putting into the tank. I set it on fire before I left with you. The explosion was immensely satisfying. I don’t know if the bodies will be recognizable. I assume forensics will be able to discover they were both male. No doubt whoever wanted you killed will wonder where you are and how you got away.”
    “We’ll just let them wonder a while, okay?”
    Yuri nodded. “Excellent idea. In fact, I think we should leave town...move somewhere they won’t look for you.”
    “Of course. I saved your life...well, gave you a new one, anyway. I’m not saying that you owe me or anything but there is still the matter of my questions that only someone with your highly specialized skills would be able to research.”
    “Uh-huh. What makes you think that they won’t find me no matter where I move?”
    The evil grin again. “I’m pretty good at escaping notice when I don’t want to be found. Those who do find me are never heard from again. Problem solved.”
    Keisha’s face suddenly registered alarm.
    “I can still be killed, can’t I?”
    “For now...until you are stronger in the blood. If you continue feeding from me you will gain my strength. I have been what I am for over a century—which is not very old by our standards but old enough for the hunger to be manageable. I also have been stabbed with wooden stakes through the heart...immensely painful, by the way. I don’t wish it on anyone. But survivable. Fire is harder to survive but doable. I’ve already told you that sunlight just gives us a bad burn. A beheading might do the trick but no one still uses guillotines and few walk around carrying scythes anymore.”
    Keisha leaned back and laughed.
    “God, this is so surreal. I can’t believe I’m even having this conversation. It’s true, isn’t it? It’s all true?”
    Yuri nodded solemnly. “Yes. Continue with your narrative. What did you do when you arrived to find the men in your apartment?”
    “I fought them. They tried to drug me but I hit one of them with the wine bottle...broke that sucker right over his head. Just like in the movies, he was out like a light. The other guy got in a few good hits but I punched him in the nuts and he went down. That’s when I ran. I called 9-1-1 to report the break-in to the police and then I called Dan. I was in the stairwell, afraid to go back into the apartment in case either of the goons woke up, so I heard what the police said as they walked to my door from the elevator. One said to the other that they were supposed to bring me to the station and hold me there until I was picked up. He said I was wanted for questioning. The other guy asked what they were supposed to do with the guys who had broken in. He said they were going to be booked but would probably be out on the street before the morning.”
    “Do you have any idea why they’re hunting you or who is doing it?”
    “Not really. I mean, I guess they do own my research but it will get out anyway, right? Sooner or later they’ll want to make some kind of profit from all of the money they sunk into helping me.”
    Yuri stared off into space. “Do you know any of the names of the money-men, besides good old Dan’s dad?”
    “Not really. I did hear there’s some guy who is suspected of being involved in some Central American drug cartel but that could just be a rumor or someone’s over-active imagination.”
    “Central American, eh? I might be able to make some inquiries, to find out why the top researcher, who has finally found what the lab was looking for, is now a target.”
    “You have contacts from Central America?”
    Yuri chuckled, “Honey, when you have been

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