Project Ami

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Book: Read Project Ami for Free Online
Authors: Emiel Sleegers
rotted long ago, but there are still enough cans of food to feed thirty people for a week.
    ‘Wow. Looks like we have a winner! I think we will have to do two runs to get everything,’ says Brian.
    Everyone starts to put cans in their backpack. Whilst everyone is packing their bags, one of the guys says he can hear something. Everyone falls quiet, and again they listen. They hear what sounds like someone walking around at the front of the store.
    Everyone drops down low, and one of the guys slowly goes to the window and looks outside. Ryan can see him looking round to see if there is anyone, but then, all of a sudden, the guy is shot through the head. Immediately, Brian calls out to take cover. Everything falls silent again for a few seconds, but then they hear the sound of guns warming up.
    Everyone is familiar with the sound, and they grab their guns, ready to shoot.
    There are three KBs, and they rush into the store and start shooting at every living thing they see. Within the first few seconds, two of the men have been shot and have fallen to the ground. Everyone starts to shoot at the KBs. Ryan shoots one of the KBs and it falls down. Brian and another guy take care of the other two KBs. Not long after all KBs are down, another two rush into the store. Brian yells out that everyone needs to go to the back, and so they quickly run through a back door and find themselves in the back yard of the store. They quickly run past the wall and knock over a fence. The KBs come running after them, and Ryan looks back and shoots at one.
    ‘Nice shot,’ says Brian as they run. They run through another backyard and find the entrance to another house.
    Brian tells Ryan to get the door while he and another guy hold off the other KB. Ryan starts to kick against the door and after a few tries the door breaks open. Everyone runs inside the house and immediately run through the kitchen and into the living room. Ryan runs to the front door and kicks it down in one go. Everyone quickly runs into the street and starts to run back in the direction of the forest.
    Two KBs are behind them so, as the men run, they keep shooting back at the KBs. Ryan manages to hit one, and it falls over, tripping the other KB as it does so. Paul has been shot in his arm and is unable to shoot, and so Ryan takes a quick few seconds to stop running, aims, and with a well-placed shot, he shoots down the last KB.
    By now, they have reached the border of the forest, and quickly they jump over a fallen tree and hide behind its trunk to take a few deep breaths.
    Paul looks over the tree to see if there are any more KBs coming behind them, but it looks like the coast is clear.
    ‘Nice shooting,’ Brian tells Ryan. ‘We’ve lost three good men out there,’ he says with a sad expression on his face. ‘We owe it to the families to recover the bodies when it’s safe to do so.’
    Brian asks Paul how he is doing, and Paul replies, ‘Nothing that won’t heal.’
    Brian asks Ryan and Paul if they at least got some supplies.
    ‘I’ve got about ten cans,’ says Ryan.
    ‘I got eight,’ says Paul.
    ‘Well at least that’s something. I think it’s best if we go back to the base,’ Brian suggests.
    They slowly stand up and start to walk back to the tunnel entrance. It is a silent walk, with everyone quiet and thinking of the fallen men. The silence helps them all to accept and come to terms with what happened.
    After walking for a while, they arrive at the tunnel entrance and lift up the metal frame. They step inside the tunnel and walk back to operations. They arrive back at the tables where they met, and lay down their gear. Brian walks over to Ryan and tells him he did a good job, especially considering it was the first time.
    ‘Thanks. I only wish we were able to save the other men,’ says Ryan.
    ‘Yes, they were good men. Tomorrow we’ll send out a scout to see if the coast is clear and, if so, we will go back and recover their bodies. It’s the least we

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