
Read Princess for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Princess for Free Online
Authors: Aishling Morgan
enough, and Captain Baltrank is not wholly repulsive, while I see his arms are marked with tattoos. Perhaps I might yet find a worthy life.’
    â€˜Perhaps,’ Aeisla answered, ‘but I doubt it. The Oreteans take slaves, and girls with blonde or copper hair are highly valued, all natives having the black locks you will note on the crew. On ship we are safe enough, but in port I suspect we would be taken and sold.’
    â€˜Not so,’ Captain Baltrank interjected as he descended the companionway to their deck. ‘We are not Vendjomois, who enslave all but their own race. In Oretea slavery comes only to those who have earned it, the criminal, those taken in debt or in war. So long as you could support yourselves there would be no danger, and besides, many opt for slavery by choice. A slave must be provided for, by law. You would be protected, fed, subjected to no harsher punishment than the statuettes permit…’
    â€˜It is unthinkable!’ Kaissia broke in, the other girls quickly nodding in agreement.
    â€˜Then you would have to work,’ he went on. ‘Do you have trades?’
    â€˜I am a dung-gatherer,’ Yi said quietly.
    â€˜I am a seamstress,’ Iriel put in, ‘an apprentice only, but…’
    â€˜Worthy trades both!’ Baltrank put in heartily. ‘And you others?’
    â€˜I am a maid by training,’ Cianna admitted.
    â€˜Kaissia is highborn,’ Aeisla stated, ‘and I am elevated. Common work is beneath us, but might we not be desirable as wives among those of suitable rank?’
    â€˜Frankly, no,’ Baltrank answered. ‘As I suspect is the case with your own upper echelons, marriage is only permitted between those of appropriate house. To marry a barbarian girl, if you will excuse the term for the way we view your people, would be unthinkable. You could enslave yourselves, certainly, to any family of your choice so long as the man rules…’
    â€˜No,’ Aeisla answered.
    Baltrank shrugged, then went on.
    â€˜Why be obstinate? You have no trade, yet you are beautiful. As a slave little more would be expected of you than to disport yourself to advantage, make love to order, perhaps offer the occasional lewd entertainment…’
    â€˜I have heard it before,’ Aeisla cut him off, ‘the phrase has stuck in my mind – “nothing to do but powder your cunts”. It is not acceptable. Is there nothing else a woman of high-status might do in Oretea? Some diplomatic or military role, even scriptural?’
    â€˜I can write,’ Kaissia put in. ‘I have been commended for the beauty of my capitals.’
    â€˜It is possible, I suppose,’ Baltrank admitted, ‘although in my view foolish. Why labour when you can rest? As to your other suggestions, I hesitate to dispute your ability after viewing your axe work, Aeisla, and yet the idea of a woman in the Oretean army would be laughed to scorn, even a giantess.’
    Aeisla gave a sigh.
    â€˜If four of us can hope to thrive, or at least live with honour, then I am for Oretea.’
    â€˜A wise choice,’ Baltrank agreed, ‘and doubtless once in Staive Cintes, our home port, matters will resolve themselves.’
    He paused, to stroke the elaborate curls of the heavily oiled beard that hung to the slight swell of his belly. His eyes, small and black beneath heavy lids, flicked quickly across the girls, then back to Aeisla.
    â€˜Thus and so, it is a long voyage to Staive Cintes, the better part of a month at the least, even allowing for favourable winds. We may travel in two manners, in friendship or in enmity. I suggest the former.’
    â€˜By all means,’ Aeisla answered.
    â€˜I also,’ he went on, ‘wish no bickering jealousy among my crew. There must be order, and none favoured above another, myself included. Thus I must either respectfully suggest that all five of you remain celibate for the duration of the

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