addition and subtraction in order left to right
EXAMPLE: 2x3-15/5=6-3=3
Oh, God. Lana Weinberger just tossed me a note.
What now? This can't be good. Lana's had it in for me for ever. Don't ask me why. I mean, I could kind of understand her resenting me for when Josh Richter asked me to the Cultural Diversity Dance instead of her. But he only asked me because
of the princess thing - and they got back together right after. Besides, Lana hated me long before that.
When I open the note, guess what it says:
I heard what happened to you at the skating rink this weekend. Guess the BF is going to have to wait a little longer
if he wants to see any tongue action, huh?
Oh my God. Does everyone in the entire school know that Kenny and I have not yet French kissed?
It is all Kenny's fault, of course.
What next? The cover of the Post?
I'm telling you, if our parents knew what actually goes on every day in the typical American high school, they would totally opt for home-schooling.
Monday, December 7, World Civ.
It is clear what I have to do.
I've always known it, of course, and if it hadn't been for, you know, the dance, I would have done it long before now.
But it is clear now that I cannot afford to wait until after the dance. I should have done it last night when he called, but you
can't really do something like that over the phone. Well, I mean, a girl like Lana Weinberger probably could, but not me.
No, I don't think I can put it off another day: I have got to break up with Kenny. I simply cannot continue living this lie.
Fortunately, I do have the support of at least one person in this plan: Tina Hakim Baba.
I didn't want to tell her. I didn't plan on telling anybody. But it all sort of slipped out today in the Girls' Room between third
and fourth periods while Tina was putting on her eye make-up. Her dad won't let her wear make-up, you see, so Tina has to wait until she gets to school to put it on. She has a deal with her bodyguard, Wahim (Tina has a bodyguard too, just like me, but not because she's a princess, it's because her dad is a rich oil sheik and he is paranoid someone is going to kidnap her and hold her for ransom). The deal is that Tina won't tell her parents how much Wahim flirts with Mademoiselle Klein, our French teacher, if Wahim doesn't tell Mr. and Mrs. Hakim Baba about Tina's Maybelline addiction.
Anyway, all of a sudden I just couldn't take it any more, and I ended up telling Tina what Kenny said last night on the phone—
And a lot more than that actually.
But first the part about Kenny's phone call.
Unlike Lilly, Tina believed me.
But Tina also had the totally wrong reaction. She thought it was great.
'Oh my God, Mia, you are so lucky,' she kept saying. 'I wish Dave would tell me he loves me! I mean, I know he is fully committed to our relationship, but his idea of romance is paying to have my fries super-sized at Mickey D's.'
This was so not the kind of support I was looking for.
'But, Tina,' I said. I felt Tina, with her extensive romance reading, would understand. 'The thing is, I don't love him.'
Tina widened her mascaraed eyes at me. 'You don't?'
'No,' I said, miserably. 'I mean, I really like him, as a friend. But I'm not in love or anything. Not with him.'
'Oh, God,' Tina said, reaching out and grabbing my wrist. 'There's someone else, isn't there?'
We only had a few minutes before the bell rang. We both had to get to class.
And yet, for some reason, I chose this moment to make my big confession. I don't know why. It's just that I can't stop thinking about what my dad said. You know, about showing the guy I like how I feel. Tina, I felt, was the only person I knew who would know how to help me do that.
So I went, 'Yes.'
Tina nearly spilled her cosmetic bag, she was so excited.
'I knew it!' she yelled. 'I knew there was a reason you wouldn't let him kiss you!'
My jaw dropped. 'You know about that too?'
'Well.' Tina shrugged. 'Kenny told Dave, who told
Norman L. Geisler, Frank Turek
Violet Jackson, BWWM Crew