purple scales seemed to take on a black hue, and he looked quite dangerous. Not at all like the usual scholary, if not somewhat dopey, Azmaveth.
“Azmaveth, ” I said standing in front of the p rince. “ Thank you, you’ve done quite enough .”
“You want to go with him?” Azmaveth asked incredulously.
“No, NO, no!” I assured him as I stopped at his side. “But you can just release him into the wild, right? No need to maim or kill him. You promise to leave right away p rince, don’t you?” I ask ed, turning around to find the p rince gone and already gall oping down our driveway with his horse.
“ A pox on you too ,” I said rubbing my hands together before turning to go back inside.
“ Why didn’t you leave with him? You easily could of,” Azmaveth said, calm once again as we entered his den.
I snorted . “ Please , give me more credit than that. He was quite obviously an idiot,” I said as I walked off toward his bedroom.
“Oh, yes, by the way. Three of my friends are coming over tomorrow afternoon, ” Azmaveth causally said.
“WHAT?” I cried .
“Sorry?” Azmaveth cried back .
“Why didn’t you tell me so instead of wasting my time cleaning your room I could have cleaned the rest of the cave?” I groaned .
“I was going to!” he said. “But then you got all bossy on me and decided that you were going to clean my room and that nothing would stop you,” h e declared.
“AH! I’m going have you declawed! This place is a mess! What will your fri ends think if they see it now?” I yelled.
“That it’s really, really cle an for me?” Azmaveth suggested.
“NO!” I roared. “They’ll think I’m a deficient princess!”
“ Truly I’m giving you more time than is expected. They wanted to come today but in my book, All A bout Pr incesses, Everything You Need to Know to Keep Your Pet Happy and C lean , it says ‘your princess needs at least two days to adjust to her new surroundings, so don’t let your friends com e over until she is comfortable ’ ,” h e quoted. He smiled down at me like he had done me a great favor.
I contemplated becoming a professional book burner for a few moments before tearing off—hustling through the halls as I tried to restore order and cleanliness to the cave.
I stopped only to make dinner because Azmaveth was rolling aroun d on the floor, blocking my progr ess while claiming he was dying of malnutrition.
Chapter 4
Shrinking Spells
I shook my head as Azmaveth greedily eyed up the cooked chic ken, which was roughly the size of a small hut . I cut out a tiny portion for myself and Azmaveth took a piece that was the size of a horse .
“How can you eat that much?” I asked, turning green.
“How can you eat so little?” h e shot back.
I could only sigh and shake my head.
“S o, tell me about your family,” Azmaveth ordered.
“I don’t want to,” I stubbornly said.
“Good, then we c an talk about my book , which is All About Princesses, E verything -.”
“I have one older brother,” I said cutting in. I cannot stress to you how much I hated that book. “His name is Caspian , and he’s been my best fr iend ever since we were young . We tried skipping our lessons together. Caspian always had a tighter guard on him though because he’s the crown prince. ”
“Do you only have one sibling?” Azmaveth asked.
I laughed. “No. I have five sisters.”
Azmaveth eyes bulged out of his sockets. “FIVE?” he yelped .
“Yes. There’ s Jezbell, Brianna , Debrah, Annabell, and Leah,” I said, practically spitting out Jezbell’s name.
“I take it you don’t like the oldest one ?” h e asked , his voice colored with curiosity .
I shrugged, “ S he and I have never got ten along very well. When I was four she took me on a walk in the woods and left me alone there . A troll attacked me but thankfully a sorc eress was nearby and saved me. She took me back home, but my parents didn’t