Primal Heat 05 - Darkness Reborn

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knew. "Who the hell are you?"
    Ryland's head snapped up. "Don't swear in her presence, you bastard. She's a fucking angel, and deserves far more than a piece of scum like you or I could ever offer her. Don't ever forget it."
    Kane. Sarah's voice melted through his mind, and he swore at how weak she sounded.
    Listen to Ryland. He's telling you about his mother. Kane knelt in front of Ryland, meeting Ryland's grim face. "Talk, Ryland. Fucking talk."
    "My mother died trying to keep me safe," Ryland said urgently, looking at Sarah. "I'll never forget the blood, the way she screamed when the—"
    Kane hit Ryland in the side of the head. "What the hell's that? How is that a story of hope and faith?"
    Ryland's eyes darkened to black again. "She's my mother. She is all that was good in this world."
    "She died? How is that good?" Jesus, did the man have no sense of humanity? Even Kane knew there was no hope and faith in a story about dead mothers.
    "To save the sorry ass of her fucked up son, yeah," Ryland snapped. "That deserves a chorus in the heavens by the angels themselves."
    Kane. Sarah's fingers moved weakly, and he caught her hand. It has to be you. I can't feel his emotions. Only yours.
    Shit. His emotions weren't the kind that could save an angel, or anyone else for that matter. Kane looked at Ryland, desperate. "Help me, man. The feel good story has to come from me, but that's not my thing. I got nothing."
    Ryland met his gaze. "Dante. It has to be Dante. Tell her about Dante."
    Sudden grief poured through Kane at the thought of their leader who'd been assassinated so recently. "I can't—"
    I feel that, Sarah said . You loved him. Tell me. Who are you thinking about?
    Jesus. Emotions? She wanted him to talk about his emotions? He was a male. He didn't do emotions—
    Ryland's machete was suddenly at Kane's throat. "You will get in touch with your emotions if I have to carve them out of you. You give the angel what she wants. Now."
    Kane swallowed, the blade drawing blood as he met the eyes of the one man who understood how much it had broken him when Dante had died. Dante Sinclair saved my life, Sarah. He found me in a sewer, left for dead. I was covered in scars. I was a violent, deadly bastard ready to cut off any hand that tried to help me, and he didn't give a shit. Kane ground his jaw against the sudden swell of emotions, against the memories of that day when he'd been down in the rotting sewage, with no idea of what he was, who he was or how he'd gotten there. He could still recall that aching sense of loss and emptiness inside him, nearly crushing him with the void.
    When Dante had reached out and extended his hand to him, it had been a lifeline Kane had never forgotten.
    He saved you? Sarah's fingers tightened in his.
    He stared at her fingers curled so desperately in his hand, at the first sign of strength he'd seen from her. Her hand was so small, so slight, so vulnerable compared to his callused palms that were twice her size. The need to protect pulsed through him, and he clasped his hand more securely around hers, cherishing her small, vulnerable outreach. Yeah, he did. Dante gave me hope when I had none. I didn't deserve it, Sarah. I was covered in scars, and my weapons were still bloody. I'd killed someone. Maybe many. We don't know. But Dante didn't care. He hauled me out of that rancid stink, and he offered me a chance to start again. I'll never forget that. Emotions burned in Kane's chest, grief for his leader that he hadn't allowed himself to acknowledge since Dante had died. He'd shut it down, like any halfway decent warrior would do, and as hell was his witness, he knew why he did it.
    It sucked to feel this kind of pain. He didn't want to think about Dante being dead. He just didn't.
    Thank you, Sarah whispered. That's beautiful. Your love for him is so powerful.
    Love? Fuck that. What was love? He honored and respected Dante, yeah, but there was no man love between them. Kane shifted uncomfortably,

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