Pride x Familiar

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Book: Read Pride x Familiar for Free Online
Authors: Albert Ruckholdt
Tags: Science-Fiction, adventure, Romance, High School, teen
blazer’s left breast.
    A Familiar of the Sora Pride.
    I watched her squat down and patiently pick up
the contents of her tray.
    Some of the food she could recover, the majority
she couldn’t.
    Her cup had spilled liquid all over the floor
between the tray and one of the angry, white uniformed seniors. The
senior shouted at the girl, demanding to know how the girl was
going to compensate her for her stained uniform.
    “Who is that,” I asked, “the girl they’re
    “Nobody,” Caprice answered. She went back to
    I swept my gaze over the students seated at the
first level. Most of them were looking away. Nobody was looking to
intervene. It was much the same story on the second and third
    I said, “She’s a Familiar like us.”
    “And she’s new here, just like you.”
    “So you do know who she is.”
    Caprice stopped eating. “Her name is Maya
Khayman afil Sora. That means she belongs to the Sora Pride. She’s
a second year student in Class Two Bee.”
    “If she’s new, does that mean she was only
recently identified as a Familiar?”
    Caprice was quiet for a moment. “No, not
    “Oh?” I murmured. I shifted my attention. “So
who’s the witch in white harassing her? I have to say she does look
    Caprice was peering at me. “She’s nobody you
want to get involved with.”
    “Oh, why not?”
    “She’s from the Ventiss Family.”
    I felt my innards freeze as I slowly faced
Caprice. “She’s…she’s a Raynar?”
    She nodded ever so faintly. “Yes.”
    I swallowed, having lost all my good cheer.
“Ventiss. They’re the Family that—”
    “—broke the agreement between the Raynar and
Lanfear Prides and came after you.”
    I swallowed again, my mouth unpleasantly dry. “I
didn’t think any of them would be here.” I gave Caprice a hard
look. “Thanks for telling me when I asked you last week.”
    “Arisa’s orders. Lie to him, quote end quote.”
Her monotone was unblemished.
    “You know the answer to that.”
    I probably did, if I just stopped and thought
about it.
    By lying to me they avoided dealing with any
protest I might raise.
    I was at Galatea now, so what good would
complaining do me now?
    “That wasn’t fair,” I muttered. “I try to trust
Arisa because in a way she’s much like me.”
    “She only did it for your own good.” Caprice
waved a fork at the scene below. “However if you must know, her
name is Prissila Ventiss Raynar, commonly referred to as the
    “The Princess?”
    “Yes, the Princess of the Student Body.” Caprice
gave me an earnest look that I didn’t see often on her face. “I
would recommend avoiding Prissila Ventiss Raynar as much as
    I frowned at Caprice.
    Something about that day on the rooftop came to
mind, but for now I decided not to ask. I wasn’t sure if I wanted
to know the answer to the question.
    I looked down at the level below.
    The Familiar, Maya Khayman, had ceased
attempting to pick up her tray.
    She was facing Prissila Ventiss with a dead look
in her eyes.
    For a long while they simply stared at each
other, before Prissila smoothly turned on her high heels and began
walking away, her entourage a step behind.
    But she suddenly looked up, and my heart froze
as our eyes met.
    I might have called her a witch, but the
Princess was sinfully beautiful, with long golden hair and clear
azure eyes, and winning topside curves.
    I was grateful my Awakening as a Familiar had
improved my eyesight considerably.
    I was able to appreciate her beauty even from a
    I could feel her gaze pushing against mine.
    And I saw the smile on her lips.
    Normally this would have been an experience
straight out of a romance novel.
    Except, Prissila’s smile was much like a
    A hungry smile that was certain to scare away
the little lost sheep.
    Prissila looked away, and continued walking
across the floor below.
    My heart kicked over again as my composure

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