Possessed By You (Overworld Underground Book 1)

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Book: Read Possessed By You (Overworld Underground Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: John Corwin
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Magic, Action, paranormal romance, Vampires, overworld
It was obvious she meant to squeeze me like an indentured servant. I wondered what she'd done in the interim without an intern. Had she actually— gasp —worked?
    On the upside, the day fled rather quickly thanks in no small part to my workload. As I gathered my things and prepared to leave, Thomas leaned against Sandra's desk and smiled.
    "I'm gonna grab dinner at the pho noodle place down the street. You should join me."
    His invitation caught me off guard. My mouth opened to say, "Thanks, but I have other plans," but curiosity got the better of me, and instead the word "Okay" popped out of my mouth unbidden. I wanted to get to the bottom of this enigmatic knight. Was his armor shiny, or tarnished?
    "Shall we then?" A lopsided grin formed on his face.
    My traitorous mouth left me little wiggle room, so I nodded and followed him onto the lift. He pressed the button for the lobby and leaned against the lift wall. A moment of uncomfortable silence ensued, though it didn't seem to bother him in the least.
    "How is Sandra?" I asked, trying to make small talk.
    "Sick." He shrugged. "I swung by the pharmacy and grabbed her some medicine. So long as she drinks plenty of water, she'll be fine."
    "Is it your business to rescue damsels in distress?"
    His green eyes studied me for a moment. A shrug. "I simply do what I need to do."
    Something about his gaze unnerved me, and I looked at my hands, folded as they were in front of me. "That's not much of an answer."
    He chuckled. "The universe has a nasty sense of humor. If I happen to be in a position to thwart it every now and then, I take the chance."
    My gaze snapped back to him. "It appears we have the same opinion of the universe, Mr. Jones."
    "Call me Thomas."
    "Is that really a good idea? Whatever will the other employees think?" I gave him my best wide-eyed innocent look.
    "That it's none of their concern."
    He seemed so cocksure of himself, I couldn't help but puncture his little bubble. "Mr. Jameson might not like the new intern calling you by your first name. In fact, he might suspect something, Mr. Jones."
    "I don't think Burt would mind. He certainly doesn't when Sandra calls him by his first name." A devilish grin crept onto his face. "Besides, when you say 'Mr. Jones' in that lovely British accent, it sounds even naughtier."
    "Oh, dear," I said before I could bit my tongue. Why was I slipping up around him? I felt a strange magnetic pull from him. It wrapped around my senses in an alluring manner, but I viewed it in my typical detached way as just one more oddity about the way my mind worked.
    "Why is it people assume such things simply because of what you call a person?" Thomas shook his head as the lift doors open. "Then again, I suppose it's not so different from my—" He broke off his sentence and looked down the street toward a neon sign advertising pho soup. "Are you a fan of Vietnamese cuisine, Miss Glass?"
    "If you want me to call you Thomas, you might as well complete the scandal by calling me Emily." I narrowed my eyes at his back as I followed him down the sidewalk. "Not so different from your what?"
    "Hmm?" He turned, slowing his pace so I could walk at his side.
    "You never finished your sentence."
    He looked amused. "Which one?"
    "Oh, never mind."
    He opened the door and waved me inside. The aroma of broth and onions met my nose in a pleasant medley.
    We took a seat. A woman walking past us slowed and looked at Thomas. For a moment, I thought she might know him, but she continued on and sat at another table. The waitress, a short Vietnamese woman, approached. Her eyes fixed on Thomas.
    "You ready to order, sir?"
    He raised an eyebrow at me. "Are you?"
    "Which soup do you recommend?"
    "I like number thirteen."
    I shrugged. "Sounds good."
    He ordered two of them, and the chubby little woman wandered off, stealing glances at Thomas as she did. I regarded him again, wondering if there was something about his appearance I'd missed, like a tattoo of Satan

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