Playing with Passion Theta Series Book 1
moderate rhythm. This day had not
gone as he’d envisioned and the most unexpectedly pleasant incident
had also been the most disturbing.
    He closed his eyes, attempting to
block out the memories, but he was unsuccessful, as he had been all
day. Every time she'd wiped her lips with the napkin or opened her
mouth to take a bite, his attention had been drawn there, a hot
fantasy springing to mind several times during their meal. He would
take the napkin away and lick the sauce off her mouth, maybe
spreading the sauce and melted cheese to other parts of her body so
he could taste her there.
    He groaned, his groin
tightening along with his jeans. Why the
fuck now?
    He was good at his job,
keeping the troupe running at its peak and his troupe members
relatively happy. So why had the gods or the heavens or the source decided to
torture him with this stubborn, insubordinate, spectacularly
beautiful ingénue?
    With one touch, Ingrid had
sent his outer shields to ground. How that could have happened was
beyond his expertise, but he was determined to find the fuck out
ASAP. Gene might be able to research it, see if it had ever
occurred with another pair. Not that they were a pair . That could never
happen. The Director didn't tolerate tech thetas and acting thetas
hooking up. Plus she was a royal pain in the ass, beautiful but way
too high maintenance. At least that’s how she was described in all
the reports.
    But that full mouth was going to haunt
his dreams tonight. No getting around it. And he'd gotten a fairly
good look at that perfect ass as she was walking away with Gene.
    Mack covered his face with his hands,
mumbling between his fingers, “Why the fuck now?”
    Gene and Ingrid were in her room,
getting to know each other. They'd be in bed together soon, because
it was necessary for all acting partners to hook up in order to
reboot their psycores. Rehearsals and performances drained them of
energy, making them unable to project. Researchers had found the
only way acting thetas could reboot was through sex. Mutual orgasm
was what opened the pathways and recharged their
    But why did he feel uncomfortable when
he thought of Gene and the new Ingrid together? Although he’d heard
the stories of what went on in other troupes, Gene was one of the
good guys. He’d never hurt her. In fact, he’d probably be a calming
influence on Ingrid. At least Mack hoped so. That female could use
a little calming down.
    He'd gone too long without sex, and
having this beauty in his troupe, one his body was definitely
responding to, was going to be tough for his libido. He'd always
found a long-term commitment without genuine affection a cold
prospect, unappealing and difficult to manage. Still, if the
torture continued, he'd look up a former lover and see if she was
interested. None of his prior relationships had ended on bad
    A hard run and a cold shower should
work for tonight. But first, he'd call The Director's secretary and
give his report.
    He moved to his office to make the
call, preferring to keep the rest of his residence private. A buxom
female with dark red hair appeared over the tablet. She was seated
at her desk, a painting by Rafael visible behind her. "Hello,
Annie. Ingrid is at the house, unpacking."
    "I'll connect you to The
    "That's not necessary."
    But she'd already forwarded the call.
    "Hello, sir." The Director hadn’t
turned on the visual, which made Mack’s day. Trying to read the
archdemon’s expressions was more difficult than rowing a boat
across the Pacific, and could be just as dangerous if you
misinterpreted them.
    "She is quite a handful. Intelligent.
Spirited. Beautiful.”
    “Your team of ingénues is already
ratcheting up performance prices. I’ll allow Gene and Ingrid to be
seen together in public, but I don't want it spread about that
she's screwing him right away. Let’s keep the innocent romance
angle going,” he chuckled.
    "But her fans know she’s

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