Playing Around

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Book: Read Playing Around for Free Online
Authors: Elena Moreno
going to marry that fucking wild thing." He yelled out loud and took off after her. Just as he was catching up to her, his father yelled for him.
    "Jed Diaz, get your ass in here. I need to see you in my office now." Jed looked as Reina continued to run. Then he looked at his father who was impatiently waiting. Then the tone came, "now Jed." Shit, there was no choice now. With his head bowed he went to his father.
    Jed entered his father’s office and closed the door. "What the hell was all that about?" When his father turned his eyes widened. A roaring laugh came out from deep within him. Jed looked at his father confused as tears started rolling down his eyes from the laughter. Had the old man finally snapped?
    Once Diego Diaz caught his breath, his finger pointed over Jed’s shoulder.  "Go look at yourself in the mirror." Jed did as instructed and headed to his father’s privet bathroom. Once in, he turned the light on. The reflection showed a perfectly formed red hand print right across his cheek. Jed walked back out to his father who was still laughing. 

"Son, you have a lot to learn when it comes to dealing with women. Not girls’ son, but real women. I'm guessing you tried to be smooth and she put you in your place." Jed smirked because his father knew him really well. “You will get nowhere with that attitude. Be yourself, she will not be impressed by you otherwise." Jed looked at his father knowing full well he was a happy man. His mother made him happy, and Jed wanted what they had too.
    "I want her dad. If she’s still anything like she was when we were younger. I think she might be worth settling down for." Jed’s words made Diego stop laughing.
    "Listen to me son and listen good, those girls out there are as much my daughters as you are my son. Do not play with Reina. Do you understand boy?" Jed took no offence, on the contrary. He was happy Reina had someone like his father looking out for her. It eased the guilt he felt for not being there for her.
    "Dad I'm not really like this. The person you read about in the papers is all an act," Jed tried to explain while putting his shirt back on. "My agent said that a sex symbol sells. It turned out to be true. Now everyone thinks I'm superficial. In truth, I haven't dated in over three years. All the women you’ve seen me with have been for exposure. It was a mutual benefit to be seen together. No dating, just a one event thing.”
    The look his father gave him was priceless. "Thank the powers that be. Your mother has been going crazy thinking that you turned into a male gigolo." Dad says making him laugh. Yet he felt bad his mother had worried for nothing. The agent thought it was best no one know the truth. If the truth leaked out all their hard work would have gone to waste. That was why his dates had to sign a confidentiality agreement.
    "Truth be told dad, I haven't had a serious relationship in a long time and I don't do the casual sex thing. If a woman is that easy, she's not for me. You and mom taught me that." His hand reached up to touch his cheek. It was still warm.
    "Well it seems like you found one that will be a tough nut to crack." Dad said gesturing to Jed’s face.
    "She loved me once and we were really good friends once too. I think I have what it takes to crack her shell. It just seems like I have to go slow." Jed smiled and walked out leaving his father chuckling and shaking his head.
    As Jed made his way out, he found Reina leaning against the wall lost in thought. He slowly crept up on her. "You have a mean right hook." He whispered in her ear before place a quick kiss on her supple neck. He moved fast and out of her way. "That was payback for this." He said pointing at his cheek. 

Her eyes filled with worry. "I'm so sorry Jed. I don't know what came over me."
    "I can be an ass some times. I'm sorry for assuming wrong earlier, it won't happen again." He moved past her and finished the

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