Play Me Wild

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Book: Read Play Me Wild for Free Online
Authors: Tracy Wolff
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary, new adult, Contemporary Women
strength and the heat behind the question get me hot, have my dick growing harder even as my own temper flares. I push to my feet then, making sure my suit jacket is buttoned up and hiding my suddenly raging erection. And then I stalk toward her slowly, making her wait. Making her wonder.
    I stop about a foot away from her—too close for regular business standards but not close enough to send her running for the hills. And then I ask, “Does it feel like I’m fucking with you, Aria?”
    Those beautiful dark eyes of hers go wide and it’s all I can do not to touch her. Not to drag her into my arms and show her just how serious I am about her—about fucking her and about holding her afterward.
    “I don’t know,” she says after a minute. “That’s the problem. I can’t figure you out.”
    “That’s because you’re looking at me all wrong.” I step forward then, run the back of my hand softly down her cheek. “But I can assure you, love, when I’m fucking with you, you’ll know it.”
    She jerks her head back from my touch. “So you do want sex.”
    I like her bluntness. “From you? Absolutely.”
    “I knew it.” She grabs for her purse, which is resting in the curve of the chair she’d been sitting in. “I don’t want the stupid job. You can keep it.”
    She brushes past me on her way to the door, all fire and fury and long, fast steps. I grab her arm before she gets very far, swing her around to face me. She meets my eyes head-on, hers burning hotly as she tries to stare me down. And I can all but see the steel in her backbone, the force of will just waiting to come out.
    I caught a glimpse of it hours ago, when I was watching the film of her working the tables. I didn’t focus on it then, was too caught up in my anger at her being placed in a situation like that to begin with. But looking at her now, I can definitely see it. The need for control—of herself and the world around her. The need to make her own rules, to set her own boundaries instead of having them set for her by men, by work, by life.
    The low-grade arousal that has been growing inside me since the moment I opened my office door to find her standing on the other side suddenly bursts into full-blown want. Full-blown need. It’s not a response I’m used to, this sudden, insatiable desire to touch, to taste, to
. I’ve spent too many years working toward total control of myself and my environment to lose it like this over a woman. No matter how sexy, how smart, how real that woman is.
    And yet, what’s the alternative? Let her walk out the door? Never talk to her, never see her, never think about her again? I know myself well enough to know that’s not going to happen.
    She’s melting against me, her body going soft and languid where it rests against the heat of my own. And still she challenges me.
    “You should let go of me.” Her voice is husky, but her eyes are steady. Resolved.
    I uncurl my fingers from around her forearm, watch as she brings her elbow into her waist and lowers her arm to her side. She stares at it for a moment, almost like she’s trying to figure out what happened. Why it was so easy to get me to release her when she had obviously braced for a struggle. When she might even have wanted one.
    But there can be no question of consent here, no thoughts of coercion or duress. Not with what I want to do to her, with her. Not for what I have planned.
    And so I step away, hold my hands out to the sides, palms up, in the universal gesture of acquiescence. There’s a flash of disappointment in her eyes—so fleeting I would have missed it if I hadn’t been looking for it—but there, nonetheless.
    It’s all the confirmation I need and I feel myself relax, the stress leaching out of my body like it never existed. My dick is still hard, my senses hyper-alert. But good things come to those who wait…and patience has always been one of my virtues.
    “I need to go,” she tells me, and already there’s a hint of

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