Plague of the Undead

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Book: Read Plague of the Undead for Free Online
Authors: Joe McKinney
Tags: Zombies
gave what I think to be one of the most balanced takes on the importance of politics in everyday life ever put to paper. He said: ‘I must study politics and war that my sons may have the liberty to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, and naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain.’ It all comes down to politics, son. Get that wrong, and the best of intentions ain’t worth nothing.”
    He pulled out the little box where he kept his matchsticks from his shirt pocket, opened it, looked at the contents ruefully, then slid it closed and put the box back.
    “Jacob, I’m taking the long way around to say this, and that ain’t my style, but I don’t know any other way. I had you take care of Jerry Grieder because I needed to see for myself that you were ready. That you were prepared to be that second generation of leaders John Adams talked about. You proved today that the Code will survive to the next generation, which is why the town council approved my decision to name you as my successor.”
    Jacob’s mouth opened. He said, “What?”
    “You heard me right. You’re the obvious man for the job, and after all you did today, ain’t nobody gonna doubt the logic of it.”
    “I . . . I don’t know what to say. You’re not ready to retire. You’re still—”
    “I’m ready to retire, Jacob. I’ll be seventy come October. I’ve worn a badge nearly fifty years now. Trust me, that’s a long time.”
    Jacob let out a long breath. “Craziest day ever,” he said.
    “Well, not so fast. We still got this question about expansion that needs answering first. The town council all agreed you’re the man for the job, but they’re troubled by the fact that you want to leave so bad.”
    “You said that before. Where’s that coming from? I don’t want to leave. Nobody said anything about leaving. All we want to do is explore what’s out there. It’s been thirty years. We don’t know anything about the world we live in. An expedition is all we want, a chance to look around and see how far we can expand our town.”
    Taylor took the matchstick box out again and jammed one into his mouth. It was a practiced motion so casually done that Jacob wondered if the man even realized he was doing it.
    “I saw those zombies you shot today, the really old ones. They had to be twelve or thirteen years old at least. The zombies are lasting a lot longer than we thought. Isn’t that proof enough that we don’t want to go beyond the walls?”
    “No, exactly the opposite. Don’t you see? We have no idea what’s out there. Maybe it’s still as bad as it was. But maybe it isn’t. Either way, we have to know. We’re going to have to do it soon, too. The resources we’ve got won’t support our population for more than another few years. We could end up starving here. Or worse.”
    Taylor nodded. “I know all that’s true. That may sound funny coming from me, but I do know it’s true. I suspect I’ve known it for years now, just haven’t wanted to admit it to myself. That’s why I learned that John Adams quote, so I could use it on the town council. Me, and all the others on the council, we studied politics and war so that we could give you the Code and this town. Now it’s your turn to study geography and navigation and all the rest of it. You get to be our Lewis and Clark, Jacob. We’re a long way from tapestry and porcelain still, but with you at the helm, I think we’ll get there.”
    “I don’t understand. What are you saying?”
    “I’m saying I got the council to agree to your expedition.”
    “What? Are you kidding?”
    “Oh, my God.” Jacob laughed. He wanted to grab Taylor by the shoulders and shake him. Or hug him. God help him, even kiss him. He was suddenly so excited he could barely stay in his skin.
    “Well, don’t go running off

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