Phantom Warriors: Riot
enough to identify
    Markus nodded. “Oh yeah. She’s one of The
People all right. Most of the time they all look alike, but she was
a pretty little thing. I’d know her if I saw her again.”
    “Did she see you?” Hank asked.
    Markus’s face scrunched. “I don’t think so.
She was too busy running away.”
    “Good, you take a ride into Cherokee tomorrow
and to see if you can spot her. Maybe we’ll get lucky,” Hank
    Markus looked at him. “What do I do if I find
her? I can’t just haul her out of town by her hair.”
    “Once you find her, we’ll follow her until we
can catch her alone,” Hank said.
    Markus’s eyes sparked with excitement. “Then
    “We’ll make her sorry she ever came into the
woods. I’m not losing my house over some bitch out to protect the environment or whatever in the hell her reasons
for being out here are. I’m tired of those people tromping all over
our rights as Americans.” He sneered. “Now let’s pack up our stuff
and get a move-on in case the bitch decides to call the
    “Do you really think that bear is big enough
for us to retire?” Markus asked, looking hopeful.
    Hank nodded slowly. “If that track is any
indication, then yes. I sure do.”
    “Whew wee! I could use myself a beer right
about now. I’m in the mood to celebrate.” Markus gathered up the
destroyed equipment.
    Hank watched him dispassionately. Markus was
always in the mood to celebrate. If he wasn’t so good at following
orders, Hank would have dumped him long ago. Most of time, he was
utterly useless. But Markus was a good shot, when he was sober.
Unfortunately, that was becoming less often these days. Unlike his
alcoholic friend, Hank had no intention of celebrating until they’d
taken care of the woman, and the bear’s vital organs were packed on
ice in the back of his pickup truck. Then, and only then, would he
raise a bottle and relax.

    Riot watched the woman. Her blue-black hair
poked out from beneath her hat, slapping the pack on her back as
she sprinted by. Her cheeks were flushed from exertion and she was
holding her side. She slowed to a stop and gasped for air, bending
at the waist. The move gave him a nice view of her round bottom.
When she straightened, he saw that her face was dripping with
sweat. She’d been running so fast that she hadn’t even noticed he
was there. Her slanted brown eyes warily looked around.
    Even in the low light, he recognized her. It
was the same woman he’d spotted with the squealing creature the day
before. Nina. She took another loud gasping breath. His
attention zeroed in on her full mouth. Her lips brought a plethora
of fantasies to mind. Riot raised his snout to the air and inhaled
the world around him. Her rich musky aroma filled his lungs and his
whole body tensed. He knew she’d smell good. Better than good.
Delicious. Her sweet feminine scent was followed by an acrid odor
that Riot recognized instantly. Fear. She was afraid.
    His hearts slammed in his chest. Had she seen
him? Even as the thought brushed his mind, Riot knew that she
hadn’t. She’d been running too fast and had kept glancing over her
shoulder. If not him, then what had frightened her? Riot slowly
scanned the woods, searching for the cause of Nina’s distress. He
caught the scent of sweat and grime emanating from east of their
    Men .
    His gaze swung back to Nina. Had she been
hurt? He scanned her from head to foot, taking in her dark
clothing. The cloth didn’t look as if it had been disturbed. He
inhaled deeper, but his sharp senses didn’t detect blood. So Nina
wasn’t injured, but she was afraid. She walked deeper into the
mountains. Riot followed at a distance. He didn’t want to scare her
anymore than she already had been, but he couldn’t leave her here
in the woods alone. Abandoning her went against every protective
instinct in his body.
    They walked for what seemed like an hour.
Light had long

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