Peak Oil
shit passes through a goose.” She stood, watching them, her hand planted on her hip.
    Neil laughed and Alexa couldn’t help but smile. She was hungry. “That would be excellent, Mrs. Missy. I am kind of starving.”
    Missy hooked her arms into theirs and led them to the dining room. “You holler when you need anything at all.” She smiled at Alexa. “And just call me Missy.”  
    Alexa entered the dining room first. Three people sat at a table in a corner having an animated discussion. Their voices died down when they saw her. A man and a woman looked up and smiled at Missy. The third man sat with his back to them. He looked like the same cowboy that they had seen at the bar.
    Missy’s body stiffened. “Get out,” she grunted and marched to their table. “Out, now.” She yanked the cowboy by his shoulder.
    The cowboy stood up and headed toward the exit. He was tall, wiry, and walked with a comfortable, loping gait. He touched the brim of his hat and nodded as he passed them.
    Missy strode back to their table, leaned in conspiratorially, and whispered. “Sorry about that. Mr. and Mrs. Beck are new in town.” She smiled awkwardly. “Wouldn’t want them to get mixed up with the wrong influences.”  
    She steered them to a table and they took their seats. “What would you folks like to drink?” Missy asked.
    “Coffee, please,” Neil said.  
    Missy nodded. She looked at Alexa.
    “I’ll have a Coke,” Alexa said.  
    “What kind?” Missy asked. “We have Coke, Sprite, Dr. Pepper, and Pepsi.”
    Alexa frowned. “Um, Coke?”  
    Missy nodded. “Ain’t got no formal menu, as such. I’ll make lunch up with what’s in the fridge if that’s okay by you folks?” She didn’t wait for an answer and disappeared into the kitchen, dragging Mary-Lou behind her.
    The Becks made their way to their table, holding hands.  
    “Hi, there. David Beck.” The man stuck out his hand. “This is my wife, Lucy.”  
    Neil and Alexa greeted them and introduced themselves. The Becks stood at their table, smiling at them and looking from one to the other.
    Neil sighed and motioned to a chair. “Have a seat.”  
    David nodded, pulled a chair out for his wife and sat down next to her. He grinned at Alexa. “I hear you visited the slammer.”
    Alexa looked at him, cocking her head. “News spreads fast.”
    He shrugged. “I guess.”  
    “Why?” Lucy asked with a concerned look on her face.
    Alexa touched Neil’s arm before he could protest. “A misunderstanding, that’s all.”
    David turned to Neil. “Chris tells me you left Pete banged up; he was hollering like a mangy mutt down at the clinic.”
    Alexa glanced at Neil. “You did what?”
    Neil shrugged. “I questioned the barman.”  
    Alexa mouthed a silent “Oh.”
    Missy walked in balancing two plates, cutlery, and sodas on a tray. David Beck smiled and stood up. “We best get going ourselves. See you all later.” They said their farewells and the Becks sauntered away.
    Missy made a show of unloading the plates, piled high with burgers and fries. She arranged the cutlery and poured their drinks. “Eat up, now.” She smiled at Alexa and squeezed her shoulder. “We need to put some meat on those bones, you hear me?”
    Alexa grinned and popped a fry in her mouth. “Who was the cowboy?”
    Missy wiped her hands on her apron. “Oh, he’s nobody. Works for Mr. Fitch, or so he says. No one knows what he s’posed to be doin’ around here. Always snoopin’ round, sticking his nose into everyone’s business.”  
    Missy waved her hand and tossed a napkin over her shoulder. “The water supply is on the fritz again. You’ll need to wait a bit for me to start the pump going on the rain container.” She leaned closer and winked. “Lucky I keep the tank full for times like these. Gimme fifteen minutes before you take a shower or fill the tub.”
    They thanked Missy, and she disappeared back into the kitchen, leaving Mary-Lou behind. The little

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