Paw-Prints Of The Gods
    “Ravana? She’s a
bright kid,” Quirinus said fondly. “That unfortunate business in
Epsilon Eridani was a blessing in disguise, for it meant there were
people she knew at the academy. She’s away at the moment,” he
added, with a tinge of regret. “She’s become obsessed with
archaeology and managed to get a place on the excavation Bradbury
Heights University are running in the Tau Ceti system.”
    “So I heard.” Verdandi
spoke with genuine interest. “Is it true they’re uncovering actual
alien ruins on Falsafah? I’ve heard one of the Avalon holovid news
shows is eager to do something on the Barnard’s Star
    “That’s the story.
Ravana sounded really excited last time I spoke to her, though that
was a couple of weeks ago,” Quirinus told her. He looked
uncomfortable in the age-old role of worried father. “Communication
links aren’t too reliable on Falsafah. She quite surprised me when
she volunteered to go on the trip. She used to be such a shy little
    Verdandi smiled,
recognising the slight bewilderment common in all parents who are
finally starting to realise just how much their children have grown
up. Quirinus shifted awkwardly in his chair in the manner of
someone who had run out of things to say. Verdandi herself had
other appointments waiting.
    “I hope it works out
for you, Quirinus.” Verdandi extended her hand, a signal that their
discussion was over. “You’ll soon be back on your feet, I’m
    * * *
    There were three
people in the waiting room outside Verdandi’s office when Quirinus
emerged, one of whom he was surprised to see was Ostara, a
smartly-dressed slim young Chinese woman, who at the time of Raja
Surya’s kidnap had been head of security on the Dandridge
Cole . Her success in solving that particular mystery, albeit
with help from Ravana and her friend Zotz, had convinced Ostara she
was born to be a detective and upon arriving at Newbrum she had
applied to join the local police force. Quirinus had not seen her
for some days and they greeted each other with broad smiles,
pleased at their chance meeting.
    “Fancy meeting you
here!” Quirinus exclaimed, earning disapproving stares from the two
men sitting opposite. “What brings you before the mighty
    “Business,” Ostara
told him. “It’s good to see you, Quirinus.”
    “You too. Have you had
your interview with the police?”
    “Yesterday,” she
replied, looking solemn. “I didn’t get the job. The officer said I
failed to meet the pass mark on one of the tests, but I just know
its because they’ve got something against us refugees. Either that
or they haven’t got a uniform to fit me!”
    Quirinus suppressed a
smirk. While it was well known that Newbrum police officers were
traditionally big, burly types who could undoubtedly lift petite
Ostara with one finger, he could imagine her going off on a
completely random tangent when faced with a mental aptitude
conundrum. However, what she said about the bad feelings between
the locals and the displaced residents of the hollow moon was sadly
    “Something will come
up,” he said, feeling he should pass on some of Verdandi’s
optimism. He had already noticed that she did not look too
    “Oh, I have plans,”
Ostara told him, looking secretive. “If you fancy a drink later
I’ll tell you all about it,” she added coyly.
    Quirinus smiled. “I
have to collect Zotz from school, then we’re off to stay with his
father over the break. I’m sure Wak could use some help on the Dandridge Cole .”
    “Say hello from
    “Do you want to come
with us? Another pair of hands is always welcome.”
    Ostara paused, then
shook her head. “I’ve things to do here,” she told him. “Besides,
last time Wak asked for helping hands, I managed to trap him inside
an airlock and leave Ravana dangling down that horrible shaft. I
think I’ll give it a miss.”

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