Pavlov's Dogs
    “We are in a unique position,” he finally said. “The conventional authorities are undoubtedly overwhelmed by both the nature of this situation and its apparent, ah, vastness. Can you imagine it? Everywhere, all at once, there are dead people walking, moving, attacking the living.” His voice fell off, and the silence remained, so thorough that everyone heard the rustle of fabric as Dr. Crispin shifted his neck inside its collar.
    “Conventional methods will not work with this decidedly unconventional situation. And herein lies my dilemma. As mentioned before, I have a history with the heads of state and military leaders, and perhaps I’m too close to make a clear-headed decision.” He stretched out his hand, indicating the Dogs, who stood now at perfect attention. “We have with us on the island the perfect rescue unit. This kind of situation is exactly what the Dogs were designed for! Dangerous extractions from behind enemy lines. Elite members of our military, recrafted, reforged into something entirely superior. So this is what I am asking. Should we deploy the Dogs to assist with search and rescue efforts?”
    The dining room erupted with murmurs, and each table exploded with conversation.
    Donovan struggled to overhear what everyone was saying. He found himself stricken with a sick fear at the thought of McLoughlin’s pack leaving the island for any reason.
    “Please,” Dr. Crispin said into the microphone, his amplified voice cutting cleanly through the talk. “Please, deliberate amongst yourselves. Each department should tally your own votes and present them through your department head.”
    Donovan was already shaking his head, ready to veto any positive vote put forward by any member of his neurotech unit. He looked to the table he had sat at earlier during dinner, and saw his trio of assistants with their heads together, talking quickly.
    At the podium, Dr. Crispin fiddled with the microphone until a loud click went through the improvised sound system. He was shaking his head and jabbering at Luke Jaden, who stood with his arms crossed, allowing the doctor’s words to wash over him.
    That kind of resolve would definitely be an asset , Donovan thought, taking in the silenced clash of wills. He thought furiously, trying to assimilate what little he knew of the security man, trying to figure out exactly what he could say to sway the man’s vote.
    “Are you okay?” Holly Randall said beside him. She gave him a small smile. “A lot is happening on your first day, Doc. I hope your entire time on the island won’t be this way.”
    “As do I,” Donovan said. “How will the maintenance department vote?”
    Her smile grew. “We’re going to vote yes. The Dogs were designed for military applications, and this kind of proving ground can’t be manufactured.” She nodded. “Dr. Crispin is right. It’s time to let the Dogs off the leash.”
    Donovan’s face paled even more. “But they’re untested. Yes, yes, I understand that this scenario seems like an ideal method to shake everything up and see if anything comes loose, but...” His voice drifted off as he noted more than one face turned up to listen. He bit down on the smile that wanted to sprout on his lips.
    “They’re unproven in this application. I have no doubts as to the training of the men themselves, of course. Each of the Dogs is a top fighter. But the technology, as advanced a prototype as it is, is still just that. A prototype. I would love to see the Dogs pass this test with flying colors, and I feel absolutely horrible for all the people trapped on the mainland. But...” He ran his hands through his hair. “Do we really want to jeopardize all the years of hard work Dr. Crispin and my predecessor have put into the development of these Dogs?”
    He turned to face the formation of genetically-enhanced soldiers. “Magnificent specimens, all of them. But if we send them out, and the technology fails any of them, in any way,

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