Passionate Ink

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Book: Read Passionate Ink for Free Online
Authors: Jan Springer
Tags: Erótica
triple penetrations. Spasms raced through her breasts, her vagina, her ass. They pummeled her, gripped her and loved her.
    She gasped in the water, her body trembling into the orgasm, and vaguely realized she could breathe the liquid. But that discovery was quickly forgotten as a hot limb pressed into her mouth. He continued thrusting his tentacles into her, and then she was flying into another climax.
    She exploded. Her mind splintered, her body shuddered and his tentacles pulsed and tightened as he tensed and trembled right along with her. They floated that way through the bubbles, their tentacles holding and caressing each other. Intuition told her he was satisfied and loving the after-sex ambiance. It was as if she was in tune with his body, his instincts, his love for her. As if they were one being.
    He opened his eyes and suddenly everything seemed real. Too real.
    Gorgeous, green eyes blinked at her and shock crashed through Catalina like a rogue, ocean wave. She really was underwater. Breathing. What the heck?
    What had just happened wasn’t a fantasy. It was real! The shock suddenly made it difficult to breathe and terror ripped through her as she thought about drowning down here. Then, without warning, she was thrust away from him and upward. Ripped from his embrace, pummeling up through the murky liquid like a rocket. Her head broke free from the water and she frantically gasped for air.
    “Cat! Cat! Oh my God! There she is! There she is!” Misty’s panicked shrieks echoed in Cat’s ears from somewhere behind her. Cat’s feet miraculously touched the sandy ocean ground and she stood neck deep in the water. Stunned at what had just happened, she couldn’t understand how she suddenly had feet and arms again. Heck, she couldn’t get a grip on how she could have so easily accepted she’d just had tentacles, and that Calder had been part-human, part-tentacle man and had been making love to her.
    Confusion gripped her and she turned around and gasped as a bright light shone over the half-foot waves, blinding her.
    What happened? Why was she in the water? Where was her air mattress?
    “Miss. Miss. Are you all right?” Some guy called to her as he furiously paddled a surfboard through the surrounding darkness. An irritating light arrowed at her from the newcomer and suddenly all she wanted to do was dive back under the water. Back into the love and pleasure of being with Calder.
    Catalina shook her head. No, she must be going crazy. Not Calder. But something had tugged her under the water. Something delightful.
    A shark? An octopus? She remembered tentacles. Lots of them wrapped around her, pulsing in and out of her. She moaned softly, reliving the powerful thrusts and magnificent orgasms. But, she hadn’t been human…
    She’d been one of whatever the hell she’d been. She’d had tentacles herself.
    “Cat? Is she all right?” Misty’s voice shrieked through her confusion. How in the world had Misty seen her? It was so dark on the beach Cat couldn’t even see the shoreline.
    “Miss, your friend is really worried. Can you talk to me?” The man was right beside her now, belly down on his surfboard, a dark silhouette on the water’s surface. That irritating light was slicing into her eyes again.
    She held up her hand to shield the light. “I’m fine. I just went out too far.”
    “I don’t know. You were gone pretty long. We were all looking. We couldn’t see you. I’m going to take you to the first-aid station and get you checked out.”
    He slipped off his surfboard and into the water beside her. He wore a helmet and the light came off the front of it.
    Her rescuer was just a young guy of maybe eighteen years.
    “I’m going to hoist you up on my board and then climb on top and paddle behind you. Are you okay with that?”
    She nodded numbly, but then suddenly stopped. Her bikini top was missing!
    “Um, no. No. I’m fine. I’ll walk back.”
    “That’s a bad idea, miss. You might slip under

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