
Read Partners for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Partners for Free Online
Authors: Grace Livingston Hill
always be sure that God had heard and God really cared, and that He had spoken to her through this. But she mustn't think too much about it yet. It might turn out to be something impossible.
    So she entered the back with a gentle poise about her that made a nice impression on the businessman who stood at one side waiting for her.
    It wasn't a permanent job. The man wanted someone to fill the place of his own private secretary who had been taken ill and must go away for a rest for an indefinite time, several weeks, or even months. He could not tell how long he would need her. But he would be glad to recommend her afterward to someone else if she had done her work well. It was on the whole a better thing that she could have hoped for. The pay was not large, but it was enough to meet her expenses, and perhaps she could save a little if she tried. And she might begin at once!
    She went to her new job walking as if on winged feet.
    The work was not difficult because of her experience in the Baker office, and moreover this new job was better organized. The office and filing cabinets and other arrangements were much more complete and convenient. She sat down to her work with great relief and joy, and now and again it would come to her that God really cared.
    Late in the afternoon Mr. Ward, the teller from the bank, called on the telephone asking her to stop at the bank on her way home and get a letter that had been sent in the care of the bank.
    Wondering greatly, Dale went around by way of the bank and found Mr. Ward waiting for her at the door to hand her the letter. She stopped in the little park to read it.
    It was from a firm of lawyers in the far west, and it appeared that a half brother of Dale's father who had died a few years ago had at the time of her birth put a small sum of money at interest in her name, and from time to time had added small sums. It was to be handed over to her when she came of age. They knew that her twenty-first birthday would occur very soon, and they were anxious to get in touch with her now that they might put it in her charge as soon as the day came. Her old home address of course had not reached her, and when they wrote to the Baker address their letter had been returned.
    This was the first realization Dale had that she was practically isolated in the world, with not even any old acquaintances knowing her address. She must write to the old hometown post office and give them her present address, that is, as soon as she was sure she was going to stay here.
    The lawyers had had no little trouble in discovering what had become of her, until they had been able to find out what bank the Bakers had dealt with, and so now they were asking Dale to send them identification papers from someone in that bank who knew her.
    Breathlessly she gathered up her papers. Why, here was another answer to her prayers of the night before! Money! Of course, it might not be much, but she had not asked for much. But if this half uncle had only put in ten dollars every year, it would be over a hundred dollars now, with the interest, and that would be wonderful. If she had even that much to fall back on, it would ease her mind greatly.
    But more wonderful than the material good was the assurance in her soul that God had really heard her sorrowful weary plea and that He did care . With that belief an established fact she could go forward and trust.
    Or would the job have come anyway whether she prayed or not? As if her little prayer could have brought the job! Or the letter about a little money! That was what reason clamored into her ears as she started down the street to her rooming house.
    But no, there was a new understanding between her heart and God now. Perhaps God had indeed been meaning to do these things for her, even before she prayed, but by answering her definitely this way He had established a contact with her soul to make her sure that He was thinking of her! That was it. Maybe He really wanted her fellowship,

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