Owned And Owner

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Book: Read Owned And Owner for Free Online
Authors: Anneke Jacob
Tags: Erótica, Science-Fiction, Adult
flesh, the full, firm, animal breasts, the swollen folds between the legs struggling to free themselves. Her face had seemed childlike in its smoothness, the fear and excitement so easy to read on it. The eyes, caught in his own, giving up so readily to him. His hands, his whole body ached to feel that soft flesh, and his groin throbbed, wanting to take possession.
    But he could wait. She was safe in the crate behind him. He suppressed his urge to yell aloud, a triumphant yell only held back because control was more satisfying. Waiting was a pleasure now that there was certainty at the end of it.
    He heard her from time to time, stirring in the straw. His own pet woman! He had taken the congratulations and envy of the others patiently and quietly made arrangements. The metal collar he had brought was around her neck, hung with the license and holo tag. Her description, holograph, hand and footprints were on file in the government’s computer, with his name entered as owner. In the auction offices she had been strapped to a table, given a last medical exam, had all her scans done and her health and (most rare for a human) contraception certificates checked. While all of this was taking place, and while she was being roughly fed, the little creature had been compliant, but her eyes had kept straying to him.
    There was enough information in her file to show that she was not capable of reasonable behavior when treated reasonably. She had to be controlled, or she created havoc. He could understand his father’s fears, really. But he had no intention of allowing her any latitude.
    I huddled in the crate, in deep straw, holding myself in the dimness. There were a few air holes in the top, but little light came through them. I thought about the man who’d bought me, the green-eyed man, and realized I was almost forgetting to breathe. From the platform he had looked thin, but up close I saw this was an illusion based on his height. He was lean, but incredibly tall, and his shoulders seemed to give him the breadth more of a house or an auto-harvester than a person. It was hard to believe that men, that this man, could be so large; he was on an entirely different scale than I was used to. Those huge hands could crush me. I was a young, healthy woman; I’d always been reasonably strong, at least on Raniz. Here I was a puny little bird in a snare.
    I was scared. I was entranced. I was aroused. The movement of those great limbs had been clean and definite, no motion wasted. His face was unreadable. This man quietly controlled everything around him. Soon he’d be controlling me.
    My excitement warred with the humiliation of knowing that I was going to have to empty my bladder like an animal in the straw. Would he beat me for it, or was that what the straw was for? Would that be better than being unable to control myself when I was brought out? Beads of sweat were forming on my forehead, and the pain was becoming intense. If we didn’t land soon… At last I gave up and let it go. I stayed as high as I could on my knees in the little space, in order to keep the urine from touching my skin. I was crimson with embarrassment, but stronger than embarrassment was the deep fear that I was doing something wrong, displeasing, that my owner – my owner! – would be angry with me. I shook a little, holding my face in my hands. I realized that more than anything I wanted him to be pleased with me; at least, I was hoping not to make him angry. This was a new one, after years of more or less deliberate misbehavior, directed at authority figures everywhere. Still, it was not entirely new, now that I thought of it. I remembered my childhood fears, and they were all that someone would be angry with me. That’s what I felt like now, a small child, completely dependent on the slightest whim of the very large person to whom I belonged. Except that now the thought of obedience carried with it a complex, adult-sized burden of lust.
    Garid brought

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