Out Of This World

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Book: Read Out Of This World for Free Online
Authors: Annette Mori
Tags: Gay & Lesbian
they show off the sound and color so well, but for some reason, this one had a romantic comedy because there was a couple starting to get a little steamy.
    Celeste pointed at the television. “I would like to buy this instructional device.”
    “That’s just a DVD playing. We can rent a DVD tonight if you’d like.”
    “Will it instruct me on the things in your book?”
    Okay, now I was starting to get a little worried. Maybe Celeste wasn’t joking before. Maybe my previous assumptions were correct and she was even more sheltered than I was. I silently cursed her idiot parents. I let an evil thought cross my brain. It had been quite some time since I’d watched a lesbian movie and if Celeste wanted some exposure to the dark side, well then, who was I to deny her? I already had a few favorites including the whole L Word series on DVD. Yep, the education of Celeste would begin this evening.
    “Come on, Celeste. I have a nice TV at home and several DVDs that you might enjoy. You don’t need to buy that. We should get you a comfortable pair of boots for hiking, and maybe a pair of tennis shoes or something casual for kicking around.”
    “Kicking around? I don’t wish to kick anything, I think that would cause harm,” she stated.
    I laughed. She was so quirky. “I recommend Sketchers. They are the best shoes to do a lot of walking in.”
    She nodded and we proceeded to purchase a pair of hiking boots, a pair of Sketchers, and some casual loafers.


    I was getting hungry again so I suggested we stop somewhere for lunch. The North Bend Bar and Grill was relatively close, so I made the executive decision to stop there for a late lunch.
    Celeste was eager to eat again. She sure seemed to enjoy food. Every time she ate, I would hear that humming sound. I didn’t know where she put it all. For such a petite woman, she could pack in the food. She ate with more gusto than I’d ever seen anyone do before.
    Since it was well past lunchtime and the parking lot was nearly empty, I knew we wouldn’t have to wait for a table.
    I think Celeste was learning to pace herself because she took my suggestion on what to order, and after we finished our meal, when the waitress asked if we wanted dessert, she followed my lead and shook her head. I didn’t know if she was a vegetarian or not, but I decided to suggest the Portobello mushroom sandwich with sweet potato fries. Of course, she hummed again and the tempo increased just a tad after she took a bite of one of the fries. They were my favorite, too.
    Sometimes I thought I would be happy with just sweet potato fries for lunch, but I kept hearing my mom’s voice in my head that I needed to eat better or I’d blow up like a balloon. I wasn’t overweight anymore, but that didn’t stop me from feeling guilty every time I ate something that was remotely fattening.
    When the check came, she snaked her arm out so quickly and grabbed the check from the waitress. “I noticed that the treat this morning required the paper I carry, and I would like to supply this for the food we consumed.”
    She lifted her right cheek, pulled out her money, and glanced at the check. I wasn’t sure if she knew how much to give to the waitress so I looked at the check, pulled two twenties from the roll, and set them on the table. “That will be plenty and give the waitress a very nice tip. Thank you for lunch, Celeste.”
    “You are most welcome, Bella.”
    I slid from the booth and grabbed her hand. I was proud of myself for being so bold. Her hand felt nice in mine and there was a sort of warm energy that traveled up my arm. I never wanted to let go. We climbed into my old beater and headed for home.


    I needed to go to the grocery store to pick up some food for the next couple of days. I was going to impress Celeste with my cooking and maybe she would stay even longer. I was getting used to her quirky sense of humor and, of course, it didn’t hurt that she was drop dead gorgeous. I

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