Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3)

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Book: Read Out of the Ashes (Rise of the Empire Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Ivan Kal
block Sahib’s next attack. Sahib uncoiled his body and unleashed another attack, Adrian again twisted his body and using his left hand to adjust Sahib’s fist towards a new target just past Adrian’s head. With another step Adrian brought himself out of Sahib’s immediate hand range. But Sahib followed with a series of quick jabs to Adrian’s face and torso. Adrian blocked every attack with minimal movement of his body, catching Sahib’s attacks on his shoulders or making them glance of his chest, using his hands only when necessary. After he finished with the hand attacks, Sahib drew back a step and unleashed a round house kick towards Adrian’s head. Seeing an opening, Adrian ducked under and swiped Sahib’s other leg. Sahib lost balance and hit the tatami hard, losing his breath in the process.
    After he regained his breath, Sahib let out a curse, and switched to a sitting position, “Damn, I thought I had you there for a moment.”
    Adrian lowered himself down and sat in a cross-legged position. He kept silent and looked at his friend.
    “I’m stronger, and I know that I’m faster. So why can’t I lay a hand on you? And don’t say technique again.” Sahib asked.
    Adrian sighed, this was not the first time they had this conversation. After thinking things through for a bit Adrian spoke, “You are correct, you are both stronger and faster than me. But my technique is better than yours…” Sahib’s expression darkened and he started to say something, but Adrian interrupted him with a raised hand. “My technique is better, but not by much, it is not the reason why you are always losing.” Adrian said.
    Sahib’s face took on an attentive look, “So why then?”
    “It is a side effect of my implant.” Adrian said.
    Sahib raised an eyebrow wanting Adrian to continue.
    “The implant in my head is unique. There are very few people that possess it, and none of the others had the side effect that I did. The implant is nano based with an Ai core inside it, and since it was put in my head before my brain fully developed, it grew with me. That was planned. What was not planned was that it formed connections with my brain that were not foreseen. The Ai – Iris was able to boost the implants processing capacity far beyond what it was designed for. The interaction between my brain and the implant as my brain grew created new pathways in my brain, and increased the speed between the existing ones. My brain has also learned to interact with my implant on much higher level than what is recorded with other people.” Adrian said.
    “That is interesting, but many people have implants. What does this have to do with you winning every sparing match against me?” Sahib asked.
    Adrian sighed, “Have you ever heard of tachypsychia or the Tachy Psyche effect?”
    Sahib frowned, “No… Wait, I think that I remember Master Hayashi speaking about that - something Psyche effect, but I don’t remember what it was.”
    Adrian smiled. “Yes, Master Hayashi spoke of it. It is the effect that alters an individual’s perception of time, making it appear as if events around you slowed down. Master Hayashi said that it occurs during stressful or life threatening situations, and that there were martial artists who experienced it during particularly tough fights. It is usually induced by the release of high levels of dopamine and norepinephrine. But for me it is different, my brain’s interaction with the implant actually increased my brain’s processing speed, and the speed of my thoughts. And I can consciously increase it even further by focusing, although that tires me out quickly.”
    “So you think faster, but how can you counter every one of my attacks?”
    “Because I can basically see them coming. Each time you decide on an attack my mind sees all the small movements of your muscles, and my brain analyzes the information my eyes see and I just know what you are going to do. And the speed of my thoughts creates a

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